Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WWE Royal Rumble

Sunday, January 30th, 2011, from Boston

EDGE vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER: I loved that both title matches went on first. Usually at a ppv you have to slog through an hour and a half waiting to see the main event matches. The problem was that there were no title changes and both matches ended in controversy. In this match, Edge's Spear was deemed illegal by Vickie Guerrero...so of course he used it to win when the ref wasn't looking. Not great, but the best match of the night. **1/2

THE MIZ vs. RANDY ORTON: CM Punk and Nexus helped The Miz win for no other reason than to set up Orton vs. Punk at Wrestlemania. As much as I like The Miz as champ, he's never been in a great match. The Nexus showing up helped alleviate this match from a total bore. **

EVE vs. NATALYA vs. LAYLA vs. MICHELLE McCOOL: A Fatal Four Way Women's Title match. What's worse? Probably nothing. 1/2*

THE ROYAL RUMBLE (ALBERTO DEL RIO): I picked John Morrison, but when he was knocked off the ring early and clung to the barrier like a cat I knew he wasn't winning. He eventually climbed up and lept onto the stairs and back into the ring, but if he was supposed to win than he never would have been given the chance to do something like that. With forty wrestlers, this was the biggest Rumble ever. It was also very boring. The Nexus took control early until The Great Khali showed up. Diesel and Booker T. were surprise entrants that got thrown out super fast even though the crowd loved them. The Miz, doing commentary, ran into the ring and threw John Cena out. Santino got KO'd and fell to the floor under the ropes and didn't return until Alberto Del Rio was the only one left. Would Santino actually win this thing? Flashbacks of David Arquette as the WCW Champ swirled in my head...but Del Rio tossed Santino out and Alberto Del Rio won. Not the best show but a good choice to have Del Rio win. **

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