Saturday, October 6, 2018


Melbourne, Australia

THE NEW DAY vs. CESARO & SHEAMUS (9:38): This show was held at a 100,000 seat cricket stadium. It was probably 75% filled, although they did have seats on the floor which, I assume, cricket does not. Plus the giant stage blocked half of the arena. They said the attendance was 70,000, which, even minus a few thousand since they always lie, is impressive. My question is: they actually get 100,000 to watch cricket? Really? Strange that there's a sport somewhere that fills a 100,000 seat stadium that the U.S. media doesn't cover or put on TV. I guess because we hate immigrants, right? Fuck cricket and all that? There are college football stadiums that fill close to that and I'm guessing Australia doesn't cover those games, so I'm not sure why I'm confounded. As for this had some big matches and was entertaining, although, like the Saudi Arabia show, it wasn't anything particularly special besides a big crowd. The only title to change hands was the 205Live title, and that was only because Buddy Murphy is Australian. This opener, for the tag titles, was good but short, fun while it lasted but pretty forgettable. **1/2

CHARLOTTE FLAIR vs. BECKY LYNCH (10:50): Good match with a lame DQ finish. Flair had Lynch in the Figure Four and Lynch hit her with the belt to lose but retain. This was hard hitting and fast paced. I'm glad Lynch is finally getting a push because she's charasmatic as hell. **1/2

BOBBY LASHLEY & JOHN CENA vs. ELIAS & KEVIN OWENS (10:05): Cena hasn't wrestled in a long time. I forget the last time. Saudi Arabia, maybe. He has more hair now than usual so you can see his bald spot. His face looks hollow and he looks really old now for some reason. They've really destroyed Owens, though, right? Remember when him and Cena were having four star matches? Now Owens is a fat joke. This was like a RAW main event. *1/2

BILLY KAY & PEYTON ROYCE vs. ASUKA & NAOMI (5:45): Kay and Royce are from Australia. I guess that's why they were on the show because they're awful at everything besides looking pretty. Asuka is another one they've buried. Remember when she was a big, undefeated monster? Now she's like a comedy character. 1/2*

AJ STYLES vs. SAMOA JOE "NO DQ MATCH" (23:45): Good match, perhaps their best yet. Styles bled from the mouth. He put Joe through a table. A chair was used. I still wish AJ never left New Japan and Joe was still in Ring of Honor. **1/2

BRIE BELLA, NIKKI BELLA & RONDA ROUSEY vs. LIV MORGAN, RUBY RIOT & SARAH LOGAN (10:05): This was good when Rousey was in there. They better have her start wrestling Asuka or Lynch instead of all of these joke opponents that she whips around like rag dolls. Nikki Bella legit KO'd Morgan on RAW two weeks ago with a kick to the face, so it was kind of surprising she's already back wrestling. In a few weeks they're doing an all women WWE ppv...which, let's be honest, has the potential for being the worst wrestling show in quite some time. *

BUDDY MURPHY vs. CEDRIC ALEXANDER (10:35): This was the match of the night. Murphy is from Australia so the crowd was boisterous. Shocking to see a 205Live match have heat and noise. Good action, good near falls. This was pure action and Murphy won the title. ***

THE SHIELD vs. BRAUN STROWMAN, DOLPH ZIGGLER & DREW MCINTYRE (19:40): Ugh. If you watch RAW then you're sick to death of these six dudes. I watch RAW. RAW has had the worst ratings in their history the last two weeks. Either the audience is sick of these guys or it's just because Monday Night Football is back. This was like a typical RAW main event. Nothing memorable. *

DANIEL BRYAN vs. THE MIZ (2:45): Short! I guess they didn't want to go over four hours so they cut this short. Bryan wins a title shot against AJ. Unfortunately it'll be in Saudi Arabia and not a main event. At least this feud is over. Maybe. Probably. Still, it was Bryan's best ppv match yet this year. **

HHH vs. THE UNDERTAKER "NO DQ MATCH" (27:35): This was awful. And boring. 'Taker should not be wrestling. He tried to pick up HHH and slam him on a guard rail in the crowd but couldn't lift him. Shaun Michaels was a ringside and got involved, as did Kane. Michaels Super Kicked Kane and 'Taker. HHH elbow dropped Kane on a table. HHH kicked out of a Tombstone. Two ref bumps. What else? I guess the crowd was just happy to see two legends wrestling. Kevin Nash noted somewhere online that it says a lot about how bad the WWE is now that they have to put old guys in the main event. I disagree. AJ vs. Bryan for the title could have been the main event. Or Reigns vs. Bruan for the title. And those matches would have been better and the stadium would still have been packed. 1/2*

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