Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Best Show of 2016: NJPW WRESTLE KINGDOM 10

New Japan didn't even have it's best year ever but it still cleaned up all of the Best of the Year awards. Granted, I didn't watch every single show from every company in full (like the PWG, NOAH, or countless other shows). But the best show I did watch all year was Wrestle Kingdom 10 on January 4th from the Tokyo Dome. Wrestle Kingdom is basically NJPW's Wrestlemania. It usually ends up being the best show of the year or at least one of them. I didn't even think the Tanahashi/Okada main event was that great (it was merely good), but others thought it was a masterpiece. The show did have three 3.5 star matches (Kushida/Omega, The Young Bucks vs. reDragon vs. Rappongi Vice vs. Ricochet & Matt Sydal, Nakamura/Styles), which is rare. The Ishii/Shiibata match was a brutal, 3 star match. The Naito/Goto match was the lowest rated at 2 stars. The rest were 2.5 star matches (I didn't rate the superfluous, pre-show Rumble match). All together it was an excellent, 5+ hour show. Just a fantastic night of wrestling. 

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