Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Sunday, April 27th, 2014

There was a time when I genuinely liked TNA. I used to look forward to their ppv's. Often I liked their ppv's better than the WWE's. Perhaps I'm just a WCW guy through and through, because TNA just feels like WCW all over again, and this time it's reminiscent of the end. For reasons nobody knows, TNA put two ppv's back to back this year even though they only have four. If you only have four...shouldn't you make them special? What the fuck was special about this show? I watched one match on this show in it's entirety, the others I fast-forwarded and watched in spots. This was just a demoralizing show. How this company still exists is beyond me. And the saddest fact is they have a stellar roster: Somoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Austin Aries. C'mon! Wake...up.

BRO MANS & DJ ZEMA ION vs. THE WOLVES: Good, high-action opener. The Wolves won the titles even though it was 3 vs. 2 for no reason. **1/2

SAMUEL SHAW vs. MR. ANDERSON: The loser gets committed! To an asylum! Feels like bad Vince Russo. And the premise was funnier than the match. Pretty dull. *

WILLOW & KURT ANGLE vs. ECIII & ROCK STAR SPUD: TNA's biggest star is now wrestling under a mask and pseudonym. Makes sense to hide their popular guy, right? This match was short and awful. Not sure what the point was. 1/2*

SANADA vs. TIGRE UNO: Not bad. Felt too choreographed, not fluid enough. Uno gave Sanada a sick twist/flip into a spike DDT. Cool moves...just didn't mesh. **

JAMES STORM vs. GUNNER "I QUIT MATCH": Not as good as last month's cage brawl. Gunner bled from a beer bottle hit to the head. Gunner suplexed Storm from the top rope onto a guardrail set up between two chairs. Storm quit when Gunner had a piece of glass and started cutting his face. The WWE can't do this stuff, so it was unique. **

MADISON RAYNE vs. VELVET SKY: The Beautiful People are the kind of sluts you'd fuck and feel bad about it in the morning. This was pretty lame. 1/2*

BULLY RAY vs. BOBBY ROODE "TABLES MATCH": Dixie dressed up in a fake beard as a crew member and pushed Bully Ray off the top rope through a table. Then she took the beard off right there. Shocking! This was boring. 1/2*

MAGNUS vs. ERIC YOUNG: I admit...I said TNA should make Eric Young the champ years ago. He's entertaining, a decent wrestler, and a crowd favorite. Sadly, they gave him the title on a random Impact show. Everyone thinks they did it because Eric Young looks like Daniel Bryan. The underdog with the beard is apparently in vogue in pro-wrestling. So they stick Young in a feud with the world's most boring wrestler. It was a mediocre match to a poor, pointless show. *

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