Sunday, May 20, 2012


From Raleigh, NC

BATTLE ROYALE (CHRISTIAN): The winner of this un-announced match got to face either the U.S. Title holder or the IC title holder. Christian obviously won. It was typical. **

R. TRUTH & KOFI KINGSTON vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER & JACK SWAGGER: Didn't even realize the WWE still had a Tag Team division. I will say that for some strange reason the commentary tonight by Cole, Booker, and King was hilarious, bizarre, and entertaining. *1/2

LAYLA vs. BETH PHOENIX: Sloppy. Awful. -No Stars-

SHEAMUS vs. RANDY ORTON vs. CHRIS JERICHO vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: The match of the night. Seriously. The final five to ten minutes was a wild frenzy. Good stuff. ***

BRODUS CLAY vs. THE MIZ: The Miz was in the battle royale. Yep, him and Christian wrestled twice tonight. The Miz did dance The Thriller pre-match. That was interesting (sadly, they couldn't afford to use the music). *

CODY RHODES vs. CHRISTIAN: Very dull. 1/2*

C.M. PUNK vs. DANIEL BRYAN: Good, not great. Really looked like a ROH match. Long, holds, back and forth. A crap WWE finish, though; Punk was in the Yes Lock but rolled over to pin Bryan and then Punk tapped. So kind of a lame ending but a good match. **1/2

RYBACK vs. CAMACHO: More "Goldberg!" chants. 1/2*

JOHN LAURANAITIS vs. JOHN CENA: Cena beat up Big Johnny, sprayed him with a fire extinguisher, doused him with water. Big Show came out and KO'd Cena. This was unGodly awful. -No Stars-

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