Monday, June 20, 2011


Sunday, June 19th, 2011 from Washington, D.C.

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. KOFI KINGSTON: Good opener. Someone backstage, probably a young writer, was like: "How come the sleeper hold never fucking works?" It worked and Kofi went to sleep and lost. **1/2 (out of ****)

THE MIZ vs. ALEX RILEY: I suppose this is the summer of the big Alex Riley push. And wasn't he busted for a D.U.I. this year in Florida? I guess Michael Vick got a second chance, why not Alex Riley? This match was not entertaining. The only amusing part was when Riley pulled Cole by the tie and threw him to the floor. I have yet to see a good Miz match. *1/2

THE BIG SHOW vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: Mark Henry put The Big Show through the announce table. That was a good spot. After that, Show was hobbling around and eventually the ref just rang the bell and said he couldn't continue. *1/2

EZEKIEL JACKSON vs. WADE BARRETT: Barrett was funny on the mic making fun of the U.S. pre-match. Jackson won the IC title here. Meh. Who cares? 1/2*

CM PUNK vs. REY MYSTERIO, JR.: Great last few minutes of this match. Quick, fun, slick, surprising. **1/2

RANDY ORTON vs. CHRISTIAN: Orton got a concussion in Spain a week ago. Why was he wrestling? An okay match, but not up to their last two. **

JACK SWAGGER vs. EVAN BOURNE: Filler, but better than the usual filler. *1/2

R. TRUTH vs. JOHN CENA: Really awful. Surprising? No. Little Jimmy: help. 1/2*

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