Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Sunday, December 18th, 2011, from Baltimore

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. ZACK RIDER: So Rider won the U.S. title here. If you think Cena sucks then you either really hate Rider or you're just oblivious to the fact that Rider is, more or less, a Cena clone (he's colorful both literally and figuratively, he has lame, kiddie catchphrases and he's a total face). Like Cena, he's not very versatile in the ring. He is energetic, but seeing him in the ring on Monday Night RAW alongside Daniel Bryan and CM Punk just made him look even more goofy and terrible than he probably is. His character type is mostly what's always been wrong with pro wrestling. And I like Ziggler a lot but even he couldn't get a good match out of this clown. The burning question is: can anyone? *1/2

KOFI KINGSTON & EVAN BOURNE vs. EPICO & PRIMO: I watch RAW, every ppv, and most Smackdown! episodes...yet I don't even know who Epico and Primo are. That doesn't make sense, does it? I suppose it's good that there are at least actual tag teams in the tag team division. As for the match? Basic. **

RANDY ORTON vs. WADE BARRETT "TABLES MATCH": Not bad, actually. Although Barrett is a totally dry character. **

BETH PHOENIX vs. KELLY KELLY: Not good. 1/2*

HHH vs. KEVIN NASH "SLEDGEHAMMER LADDER MATCH": This was epically slow. And is this a leftover idea of Vince Russo's? Sledge hammer on a pole? Nash fell over before HHH could Pedigree him which just proves that Nash is too old to be doing this shit. For a ladder match they didn't do a lot of big spots. Nash did fall off and through a table. *1/2

SHEAMUS vs. JACK SWAGGER: Um...yeah, this was pure filler. 1/2*

THE BIG SHOW vs. MARK HENRY "CHAIRS MATCH"/DANIEL BRYAN vs. THE BIG SHOW: Mark Henry took a punch to the face and lost the title then knocked out Show. Bryan cashed in his MITB title shot and pinned show. The problem is that Bryan did this to Henry a few weeks ago on Smackdown! and won the title but Henry was injured and thus not able to compete and thus the title win was voided. So we already saw this. Still, Bryan as champ is the best thing the WWE has done in a long time. The chairs match sucked but giving the title to Bryan was awesome. **1/2

CODY RHODES vs. BOOKER T.: This was awful. And while Booker T. is old, it's not like he was entertaining in his prime, anyway (although his battle in the Green Frog supermarket with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was hilarious like, what? Ten years ago?). 1/2*

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. CM PUNK vs. THE MIZ "TLC MATCH": The surprise? Cena wasn't on this show. Another surprise? Del Rio's ring announcer took the biggest bump in this match, falling off a ladder and through a ringside table, backwards. There weren't as many big spots in this match, but it was entertaining. **1/2

Sunday, December 11, 2011


From Orlando

RVD vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS: Old dudes. Not fun to watch. *1/2

ROBBIE E vs. ERIC YOUNG: I like Young. He should be the champ. He has more charisma than most of this and the WWE's locker room combined. Alas, this wasn't very memorable except when Young took off his pants. *1/2

MATT MORGAN & CRIMSON vs. DEVON & POPE: Pretty terrible. Watching Morgan wrestle is akin to watching a train wreck. 1/2*

AUSTIN ARIES vs. KID KASH: Man has the X-Division gotten bad. Two heels fighting? Who writes this shit? *1/2

GAIL KIM vs. MICKIE JAMES: Missed this match.

KURT ANGLE vs. JAMES STORM: Angle missed a moonsault. Has he ever connected with it? Storm won but Storm is not fun, exciting, or thrilling to watch. **

JEFF HARDY vs. JEFF JARRETT "CAGE MATCH": Hardy did a Swanton Bomb off the top of the cage and missed. That was about it for entertainment. He wins a title shot and either Jeff or Karen will be fired on Impact. I was expecting more. **

AJ STYLES vs. BOBBY ROODE "IRON MAN MATCH": It wasn't a sixty minute Iron Match match (thank God) but a thirty minute one. It was average but might have been better if the ending didn't suck. AJ did a wicked, top-rope 450 somersault maneuver which was perhaps the highlight of the night. The match ended up tied. With time running down, Roode ran away and it was a draw. **

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Sunday, November 20th, 2011, from New York City

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. JOHN MORRISON: This was a decent, by-the-numbers opener. Boy are they pushing Ziggler hard. What happened to Morrison? He was in the title hunt in the Spring. ** (out of ****)

vs. EVE TORRES: Pretty much a typical, lackluster women's match. *

TEAM ORTON (RANDY ORTON & SHEAMUS & SIN CARA & KOFI KINGSTON & MASON RYAN) VS. TEAM BARRETT (WADE BARRETT & JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER & HUNICO & CODY RHODES): Wow! They're still doing the traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series matches? I'm not sure why, as this match had really no story or build-up. Sin Cara did a leap over the top rope and didn't clear it, hit his back on the edge of the apron and is out 6 to 9 months. Does this mean Hunico is back to being Sin Cara? Orton was left against 3 men and ended up losing. *1/2

MARK HENRY vs. THE BIG SHOW: The crowd chanted "boring" during this match...but they also chanted "Daniel Bryan" and "Colt Cabana" and "Randy Savage" and pretty much anything they could think of during the show. The Big Show tentatively climbed to the top rope and delivered a flying elbow drop but still lost. *1/2

CM PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: This was a super dull match. Punk may be a good talker but he's rarely in great matches. He did win the title. This means that Punk had the title in July, Cena in August, Punk in August, Del Rio in August, Cena in September, Del Rio in October, now Punk in November. Way to make it special. *

THE ROCK & JOHN CENA vs. THE MIZ & R. TRUTH: It felt like with The Rock wrestling on this show that the WWE didn't even bother to do anything else like a write a good storyline or have a heel turn or attempt to put on a great match. The Rock already would get people to buy the show so why bother to make it a good one? This match sucked hard. The Rock did the usual and Cena looked bored and it was just a yawner. 1/2*

Monday, November 14, 2011


Sunday, November 13th, 2011, from Orlando, Florida

ERIC YOUNG vs. ROBBIE E: Young is, more or less, Doink the Clown of TNA. Robbie E isn't exactly any more serious. Not a bad match. And actually, perhaps the most entertaining of this listless show. ** (out of ****)

INK INC. vs. MEXICAN AMERICA: This was a 3 on 3 mixed tag match. Each team had their girlfriends participate, though the tag titles were still at stake. Don't be confused! This is TNA. Toxxine, Ink Inc.'s girl, is very pretty. That's kind of all I remember. *1/2

JESSE SORENSEN vs. AUSTIN ARIES vs. KID KASH: Awful match. Aries did a leap through the ropes to the floor that was mildly interesting, but that was pretty much the only thing good in this bore. Both heels beat up Jesse, who has a football star gimmick (no, it doesn't make sense). Then Aries rolled up Kash for the pin. Remember when the X-Division produced good matches? 1/2*

RVD vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS: Rob Van Dam is just too old and too slow to be doing this anymore. Daniels brought a chair into the ring and it backfired. *

CRIMSON vs. MATT MORGAN: A double DQ! Who writes this shit? Even worse was the fake punch contest. Have they been watching Necro Butcher matches? 1/2*

SCOTT STEINER & BULLY RAY vs. MR. ANDERSON & BULLY RAY: Bully Ray and Anderson should really just stop wrestling and just use the mic. Steiner did a Hurricanrana. Abyss went through a table and got right back up. Falling asleep. *

GAIL KIM vs. VELVET SKY: Remember when Gail Kim and Awesome Kong had those epic, brutal matches in TNA? Yeah. Me, too. 1/2*

JEFF HARDY vs. JEFF JARRETT: So Hardy rolls up Jarrett and pins him in five seconds. Then they keep wrestling for another fall for no reason and Hardy wins. Then they keep wrestling and Hardy wins again. What the fuck kind of story is this? If you didn't realize that TNA was stupid before then...oh, okay, you did realize. *

BOBBY ROODE vs. AJ STYLES: So they push the hell out of Roode only to have him lose at Bound for Glory. Then they turn him heel. Whatever. I give up. This match was long and even though AJ was semi-exciting it was pretty dull stuff. *1/2

Monday, October 24, 2011


Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 from San Antonio, TX

AIR BOOM vs. JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER: Wall to wall action but nothing extraordinary. And I'm pretty bored with all four of these guys. ** (out of ****)

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. ZACK RYDER: Yep, Ziggler wrestled in two straight matches. Does this mean he's getting the title soon? *

EVE vs. BETH PHOENIX: Not good. 1/2*

SHEAMUS vs. CHRISTIAN: Very boring. *

HHH & CM PUNK vs. AWESOME TRUTH: Wow. For a match that everyone thought was the "real" main event, this was a dud. HHH looked fat. Kevin Nash beat up HHH to cause The Miz and R. Truth to win. Nothing special at all. *1/2

vs. CODY RHODES: Dull. Rhodes just doesn't have it. *

MARK HENRY vs. THE BIG SHOW: This had a good ending at least. Henry suplexed Big Show off the top rope and the ring collapsed. It was a no contest. **1/2

vs. JOHN CENA "Last Man Standing Match": They fought in the broken ring. That was at least something different. They brawled backstage. Del Rio's announcer tried to beat up Cena a few times. Del Rio was thrown through a table and through the announce table. R. Truth and The Miz beat up Cena to help Del Rio win. About as good as it could've been. **1/2

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sunday, October 16th, 2011 from North Philly

vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: The crowd for this show, which was at Temple's Liacouras Center, was loud and into it in the beginning and during the Hogan/Sting match. That was a plus. The longer the show went on the worse it got and the quieter the crowd got. Simple opener. ** (out of ****)

RVD vs. JERRY LYNN "Full Metal Mayhem": Good match. A little short with not as many ladder spots as one might want but it was brutal and entertaining. Lynn suplexed RVD onto a ringside ladder and RVD hit the edge of it and then hit the ground. That was sick. A Van Terminator ended it. **1/2

SOMOA JOE vs. CRIMSON vs. MATT MORGAN: Somoa Joe was firing on all cylinders but the other two were dull and Morgan looked hurt. Morgan stood by as Crimson pinned Joe and Morgan didn't bother to stop it. Oh well. *1/2

BULLY RAY vs. MR. ANDERSON "Falls Count Anywhere": Good match. Bully Ray is great on the mic. The threw each other through tables and a steel ring barrier. Anderson did his Swanton Bomb from the top rope onto Bully and a table but it didn't break. He just got up and then put Bully through it and won. **1/2


CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. AJ STYLES "I Quit Match": Awful, actually. These two don't click. The finish had AJ approaching Daniels with a screwdriver and Daniels quit. What? Was AJ going to stab him? Soooo lame. *

HULK HOGAN vs. STING: Not a good match but the crowd loved it and, seriously, this wasn't going to be a great wrestling match. Ric Flair came out and was the ringside heel. There was blood. Sting won then Hogan turned good. Eh. *1/2

vs. BOBBY ROODE: A bad main event and a terrible way to finish what is, apparently, TNA's biggest show of the year. Angle pinned Roode but Angle held the ropes for leverage. That was the end. What? These two just didn't get into the zone. Roode sucks and Angle was hurt. Not a great ending to what was a decent show. *1/2

Monday, October 3, 2011


Sunday, October 2nd, 2011, from New Orleans

SEAMUS vs. CHRISTIAN: Pretty basic stuff. Why not just have every match in the cell? It is there. ** (out of ****)

SIN CARA (MISTICO) vs. SIN CARA: The crowd chanted "boring." The blue music sucks. I like Sin Cara but this storyline is extremely pointless. Perhaps if it was well written...1/2*

KOFI KINGSTON & EVAN BOURNE vs. JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER: More basic stuff. You do realize this is a $44 ppv, right? **

MARK HENRY vs. RANDY ORTON "Hell in a Cell": A terrible match. The cell was rarely used. Henry won but then after the match he ran away from Orton who was hitting him with a chair. 1/2*

CODY RHODES vs. JOHN MORRISON: The show was short so they threw this un-announced match on it. Remember when Morrison was wrestling in the main event for the title in the Spring? Now he's losing in a match for the IC title. Not good. *1/2

BETH PHOENIX vs. KELLY KELLY: Not particularly noteworthy except they had Phoenix lose in her hometown last month only to have her win here. Yeah, you explain it. 1/2*

CM PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. JOHN CENA "Hell in a Cell": Mediocre match. Nobody climbed the cell. Chairs were used. Punk fell through a table. Del Rio locked Cena out of the cage then used a pipe to knock out Punk and win the title. After that, The Miz and R. Truth came in and beat everyone up and locked the cage door. The locker room came out and finally opened the door. Police officers arrested The Miz and R. Truth, who were fired two weeks ago. HHH beat up The Miz and R. Truth while they were being led away by police. Wild ending to a totally dull show. **1/2

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sunday, September 18th, 2011, from Buffalo

KOFI KINGSTON & EVAN BOURNE vs. THE MIZ & R. TRUTH: The Miz beat up the ref to cause a DQ. On RAW, HHH fired R Truth and The Miz for beating up the ref. Didn't even really know there were still tag team titles. *1/2 (out of ****)

CODY RHODES vs. TED DIBIASE: Rhodes, for some reason, is a big star on Smackdown!. Not sure why. *

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. JACK SWAGGER vs. ALEX RILEY vs. JOHN MORRISON: Really fun, fast, exciting match. I hate that Morrison is still being buried, though. ***

RANDY ORTON vs. MARK HENRY: Surprisingly, Henry won the title here. It was an awful match. Henry as champ is something new but not something good. *

KELLY KELLY vs. BETH PHOENIX: Not particularly good, although Phoenix, the beast, did lose. *1/2

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. JOHN CENA: Cena wins the title. Again. Granted, he lost at MITB and Summerslam to Punk. God forbid he lose at three straight ppv's. Not the best match. **

HHH vs. CM PUNK: So the main event on a show called "Night of Champions" doesn't feature a champion. Interesting. This was a good match with a total clusterfuck finish. The Miz and R Truth ran in and attacked the ref and HHH and Punk. John Laurenaitis, the vice president dude, came in and seemed to favor Punk by not pushing the ref into the ring when HHH was going for the pin but pushing the ref in when Punk went for a cover. Laurenaitis also got on his cell phone and then Kevin Nash came out of the crowd and beat up Punk and HHH. Eventually HHH won after delivering the pedigree on Punk. The highlight was when Punk jumped off the top rope and delivered an elbow onto HHH and the Spanish announce table. It wasn't a great match but the wild finish made it entertaining. ***

Monday, September 12, 2011


Sunday, September 11th, 2011, from Orlando

JESSE SORENSEN vs. KID KASH: And you thought you already saw the worst ppv of the year (take your pick from any number of TNA shows)? This show had to be the worst of the year. It started with an un-announced X-Division #1 contender match. Sorensen beat Kid Kash, who I saw wrestle live at the ECW Arena in, like, 1999 or something. Not a good opener. *

BULLY RAY vs. JAMES STORM: Bully Ray is a good heel and funny on the mic, but he's not a good wrestler. So what does TNA do? They book him in two matches. Groan. 1/2*

WINTER vs. MICKIE JAMES: I actually like Winter but I'm not sure why. But remember Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim? TNA used to have entertaining women's matches. This was eh. *

MEXICAN AMERICA vs. DEVON & POPE: Hernandez did a leap off the top rope that was cool. Interviewing Rosita, who is a part of the Mexican America contingent, about her dead father (he died on 9/11) felt a little exploitative. *

MATT MORGAN vs. SOMOA JOE: Remember when Kurt Angle faced Joe for the first time and that ppv got record buy rates for TNA? Well apparently they don't remember it as Joe loses to Morgan here. Can we say 'waste of talent'? *

BOBBY ROODE vs. GUNNER: Pretty much unwatchable. -No Stars-

AUSTIN ARIES vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: The best match on the show and it was bad. Aries looks like he doesn't want to be in TNA. He botched one top rope flip to the ground and then jumped head first onto the guard rail. Kendrick is just a bore. *1/2

BOBBY ROODE vs. BULLY RAY: This was the final of the Bound for Glory series. Roode gets to face the champ next month. Not a good match at all. 1/2*

KURT ANGLE vs. STING vs. MR. ANDERSON: Hulk Hogan sprayed something into Sting's face and Angle slammed then pinned him. A very, very dull main event. 1/2*

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sunday, August 13th, 2011 from Los Angeles

KOFI KINGSTON, REY MYSTERIO & JOHN MORISSON vs. THE MIZ, R-TRUTH & ALBERTO DEL RIO: So all these guys had no storylines or matches so they threw them together. Kind of lame, right? It was as good as a main event on RAW. **

MARK HENRY vs. SEAMUS: Henry did slam Seamus through the foam guard rail. That was about it for entertainment. *

KELLY KELLY vs. BETH PHOENIX: Not good, although, technically, have you ever seen a good WWE women's match? 1/2*

vs. DANIEL BRYAN: A strange match to be on such a big show, although Bryan could be WWE's best wrestler. It was a little too slow and plodding and the crowd was quiet. **

RANDY ORTON vs. CHRISTIAN: Phenomenal match. It was a no holds barred match. Orton RKO'd Christian through the announce table and onto the steel ring steps. Christian also went through a table. Really good, entertaining stuff. By far the feud of the year. ***

CM PUNK vs. JOHN CENA/ ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. CM PUNK: This was good but a bit sloppy and a little too much in the shadow of last month's legendary match. Punk botched the GTS but still won. Kevin Nash came in, power bombed Punk and Alberto came in to cash in his MITB contract and he pinned Punk to win the title. I suppose the Nash stuff made it "special," but it the Alberto win was fairly un-surprising and not at all exciting. **1/2

Friday, August 26, 2011


Sunday, August 7th, 2011 from Orlando

BRIAN KENDRICK vs. AUSTIN ARIES vs. ALEX SHELLEY: Well, the card sucked and this show turned out awful. Even these three couldn't put on a good match. Kendrick is just an awful bore. There were a lot of mistakes here that just put a sour taste in my match for a long, dull show. *

TARA & MISS TESSMACHER vs. ROSITA & SARITA: Yes, TNA actually put on two women's matches on this show. Did I do something wrong? Because I feel like I'm being punished. 1/2*

THE POPE vs. DEVON: Pope is semi-interesting, but The Dudley's are a mess apart. 1/2*

MICKIE JAMES vs. WINTER: Red mist! Tajiri is smiling somewhere. *

RVD vs. CRIMSON: Not bad. Jerry Lynn tried to give RVD a chair and the ref DQ'd RVD. **

AJ STYLES & KAZARIAN & CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. ABYSS & SCOTT STEINER & GUNNER: AJ Styles was on fire (why isn't he the champ, like, forever?) and Daniels went through a table. **

BULLY RAY vs. MR. ANDERSON: Anderson did a Swanton Dive from the top rope. That was about it for entertainment. 1/2*

BEER MONEY vs. MEXICAN AMERICA: Why does the crowd love Beer Money? I guess they're drunk. *

STING vs. KURT ANGLE: Angle is a great wrestler. He also looks sickly thin. I guess he's off steroids. Sting is old. This was basic really, but Angle did use a chair and won the title. If it can't be AJ as champ than Angle's the next best option. **

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Sunday, July 17th, 2011 from Chicago, Illinois

DANIEL BRYAN vs. KANE vs. SHEAMUS vs. SIN CARA vs. JUSTIN GABRIEL vs. HEATH SLATER vs. CODY RHODES vs. WADE BARRETT "M.I.T.B. Ladder Match": Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer said that this was "one of the best PPVs the company has ever done." He was right. This opener was great, perhaps the night's best match. A lot of big spots as usual. Sin Cara was power-bombed from the edge of the ring through a ringside ladder by Sheamus (the injury forced Sin Cara to exit the match early...apparently this was because he tested positive for steroids last month). Daniel Bryan actually won the thing, which was awesome. A great opener. ***1/2 (out of ****)

KELLY KELLY vs. BRIE BELLA: Yeah...even with one of the greatest shows the WWE has ever put on, this still happened. -No Stars-

BIG SHOW vs. MARK HENRY: Slow. Bad. 1/2*

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. THE MIZ vs. ALEX RILEY vs. KOFI KINGSTON vs. EVAN BOURNE vs. R. TRUTH vs. JACK SWAGGER "M.I.T.B. Ladder Match": A good match, though they botched the ending and a few other spots came off as sloppy. Bourne did a shooting star press off the top of the ladder which was great. Del Rio ripped off Mysterio's mask and then both fell off the ladder but Del Rio climbed back up and grabbed the briefcase. ***

RANDY ORTON vs. CHRISTIAN: A terrific match. These two, for whatever reason, really mesh well. There only less-than-great match happened last month at Capitol Punishment, and that was mainly due to Orton's concussion. Christian won the title because Orton kicked him in the balls, thus DQ'ing himself. Orton then gave Christian two RKO's on the Spanish announce table (it didn't break). Not the best finish, but a very engrossing match with a ton of near-falls. ***

CM PUNK vs. JOHN CENA: Certainly the actual match wasn't spectacular. Cena did maybe two or three moves (it went long, around thirty minutes). The crowd, though, and the energy and suspense made this epic and legendary. The crowd booed every good guy and cheered every bad guy all night long. CM Punk was on fire. He dove through the ropes and onto Cena on the floor. Punk also took a suplex over the top rope and down to the floor. They both kicked out of everything. Cena seemed to hurt his knee but eventually got back into it. Punk won with the GTS. Vince tried to ring the bell but Cena stopped him and Cena took out John Laurenitis, who is one of the WWE's higher ups. Del Rio ran out post-match to cash in his title shot but Punk knocked him down and ran off through the crowd. The intensity was so high in this match. It reminded me of Cena vs. RVD at that ECW show years ago. A good main event and a crowd for the ages. ***1/2

Monday, July 11, 2011


Sunday, July 10th, 2011 from Orlando, Florida

vs. SOMOA JOE: Good opener. The crowd was fucking nuts early on. Did a bus full of drunk frat boys break down out front of the arena or something? Somoa Joe dominated and lost. Go figure. **1/2

vs. MARK HASKINS: Who are these two again? Not bad, but...really? On a show without the TNA champ, Kurt Angle, Hogan, or Flair...and they have the debut of some nobody from England who botches his final move? *1/2

MAX & JEREMY BUCK vs. SHARK BOY & ERIC YOUNG: Short and semi-entertaining. When Eric Young was asking luchadores to be his partner pre-match I laughed. **

AMAZING RED vs. ROBBIE E. vs. SHANNON MOORE vs. ALEX SHELLEY "ULTIMATE X-MATCH": Ah...the worst Ultimate-X match ever. That's not good, especially when the show is called "Destination X." There weren't any big moves. All of the guys fell from the hanging ropes, but that was it. Not boring, but it just wasn't as good as a typical UX match. *1/2

ROB VAN DAM vs. JERRY LYNN: Yes, they're older, slower, but this turned out to be an exciting match. Perhaps the most entertaining match RVD has been in since showing up in TNA. **1/2

AUSTIN ARIES vs. JACK EVANS vs. ZEMA ION vs. LOW KI: Well, the fans orgasmed over this match. I thought it was good, not great. The winner gets a TNA contract. Um...shouldn't the loser get a TNA contract? **1/2

ABYSS vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: Kendrick, the shy, little boy won the X-Division title from the monster Abyss. The problem? Nobody likes Kendrick and Abyss is boring. This was a God-awful match. 1/2*

CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. A.J. STYLES: I admit: I said that this would be one of the year's best. It wasn't. It didn't work. First off, it went too long at thirty minutes. Second, there weren't any big show-stopping moves. It was a classic, slow, plodding, back-and-forth snooze fest. Shocking, really, since these two are great wrestlers. The other surprise: the TNA champ didn't even defend the title. What company puts on a $35 ppv and doesn't even have a main title match? *

Monday, June 20, 2011


Sunday, June 19th, 2011 from Washington, D.C.

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. KOFI KINGSTON: Good opener. Someone backstage, probably a young writer, was like: "How come the sleeper hold never fucking works?" It worked and Kofi went to sleep and lost. **1/2 (out of ****)

THE MIZ vs. ALEX RILEY: I suppose this is the summer of the big Alex Riley push. And wasn't he busted for a D.U.I. this year in Florida? I guess Michael Vick got a second chance, why not Alex Riley? This match was not entertaining. The only amusing part was when Riley pulled Cole by the tie and threw him to the floor. I have yet to see a good Miz match. *1/2

THE BIG SHOW vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: Mark Henry put The Big Show through the announce table. That was a good spot. After that, Show was hobbling around and eventually the ref just rang the bell and said he couldn't continue. *1/2

EZEKIEL JACKSON vs. WADE BARRETT: Barrett was funny on the mic making fun of the U.S. pre-match. Jackson won the IC title here. Meh. Who cares? 1/2*

CM PUNK vs. REY MYSTERIO, JR.: Great last few minutes of this match. Quick, fun, slick, surprising. **1/2

RANDY ORTON vs. CHRISTIAN: Orton got a concussion in Spain a week ago. Why was he wrestling? An okay match, but not up to their last two. **

JACK SWAGGER vs. EVAN BOURNE: Filler, but better than the usual filler. *1/2

R. TRUTH vs. JOHN CENA: Really awful. Surprising? No. Little Jimmy: help. 1/2*

Monday, June 13, 2011


Sunday, June 12th, 2011 from Orlando

JAMES STORM & ALEX SHELLEY vs. DOUG WILLIAMS & MAGNUS: One half of Beer Money is hurt so Alex Shelley took his place. It didn't exactly work. *1/2 (out of ****)

SCOTT STEINER vs. MATT MORGAN: Surprised that Steiner lost considering he probably thinks he's God. 1/2*

ABYSS vs. KAZARIAN vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: Abyss is the X-Division champ, aka the cruiserweight champ. No, it doesn't make sense nor is it an intriguing storyline. Because Kendrick and Kazarian were stuck with a plodding fat guy this match was a mess. 1/2*

SOMOA JOE vs. CRIMSON: Somoa Joe lost to the undefeated TNA version of Seamus? Lame. 1/2*

MICKIE JAMES vs. ANGELINA LOVE: Remember when TNA had good women's matches? Those were the days. 1/2*

A.J. STYLES vs. BULLY RAY "Last Man Standing Match": Great finish to a match that was all fake punching for the first five minutes. Bully Ray bled and Styles jumped off the light pole on the set and down onto Bully on a table. It was a crazy leap and the highlight of the show. ***

STING vs. MR. ANDERSON: So Mr. Anderson is the new champ. When your title match isn't the main event something is probably wrong with your company. 1/2*

JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE: A good match but not nearly as good as some of their epic matches like April's cage match. It seemed a little off and didn't go as long as I'd hoped to build momentum. Kind of disappointing since it was their apparent last match. **1/2

Monday, May 23, 2011


Sunday, May 22nd, 2011 from Seattle

vs. REY MYSTERIO: Not bad, but R. Truth just is not an exciting wrestler. *1/2 (out of ****)

EZEKIEL JACKSON vs. WADE BARRETT: Why is Wade Barrett still around? And they're still doing the lame DQ finishes with him where his gang shows up and beats up the opponent? So been-there-done-that. *

SIN CARA vs. CHAVO GUERERO: Sin Cara is great and Chavo isn't. **

THE BIG SHOW & KANE vs. CM PUNK & MASON RYAN: So what do you do with the two worst, slowest, most boring wrestlers in the business? Put them together! So stupid. At least Kane made a joke about being upset that The Rapture didn't happen yesterday. *

BRIE BELLA vs. KELLY KELLY: The only entertaining female wrestler, Kharma, wasn't on the show. Smart. 1/2*

CHRISTIAN vs. RANDY ORTON: I hated that Orton won the title 5 days after Christian finally won it. That said, this was a great match with a ton of near-falls, a Christian spear, and an awesome, back-and-forth pace. ***

vs. MICHAEL COLE: Brett Hart came out post-match to put Cole in a Sharpshooter for no real reason. Cole is hilarious but c'mon: why is he wrestling? *1/2

JOHN CENA vs. THE MIZ "I Quit Match": Perhaps the worst main event in WWE PPV history. The Miz and Alex Riley beat Cena up for twenty minutes than played a tape-recording of Cena saying, "I Quit." The ref realized this and re-started the match and Cena, even though he was apparently dead from the beating, hulked up and beat up both guys and then put The Miz in the Crippler Crossface submission hold and The Miz quit. The Miz did a funny bit where he told a ringside Cena fan to stop the beating and tell Cena to quit. That was really the only mildly entertaining aspect of this oh-so dull match. Awful, awful stuff. 1/2*

Monday, May 16, 2011


Sunday, May 15th, 2011 from Orlando, FL

HERNANDEZ & ANARQUIA vs. SHANNON MOORE & JESSE NEAL: A lot of people said that TNA's "Victory Road" ppv in March was the worst ppv ever. I kind of thought this show was. Shannon Moore did some high-flying moves but this wasn't very entertaining. * (out of ****)

BRIAN KENDRICK vs. ROBBIE E.: Super dull. -No Stars-

MICKIE JAMES vs. MADISON RAYNE: Kind of a mess, although Tara knocking out Rayne looked real. *

KAZARIAN vs. MAX BUCK: The best, and only good, match on the show. Buck took a wicked bump onto the floor that looked like it cracked his skull. Kazarian is a beast. **1/2

ABYSS vs. CRIMSON: Unwatchable. -No Stars-

BEER MONEY vs. MATT HARDY & CHRIS HARRIS: Not good. Are we seeing a pattern? 1/2*

A.J. STYLES vs. TOMMY DREAMER: When a table was brought into the ring the fans chanted, "We want fire." You blood-thirsty pricks. I'm not sure why Dreamer is back, but he beat one of TNA's premiere stars for no apparent reason. **

KURT ANGLE & CHYNA vs. JEFF JARRETT & KAREN JARRETT: Chyna, where have you been? She botched every move and this wasn't half as good as any JJ/Angle match. If the Kurt Angle match on your show isn't good than you know something is wrong. *1/2

STING vs. RVD: Yes, RVD worked his ass off, but this was just boring stuff. We don't need these old guys wrestling in the main event. *1/2

Monday, May 2, 2011


Sunday, May 1st, 2011 from Tampa Bay, Florida

CM PUNK vs. RANDY ORTON "Last Man Standing": Great match. CM Punk is one of the WWE's best wrestlers. Why hasn't he had the title lately? They used a Singapore Cane on each other and Orton RKO'd Punk on top of the announce table. It was long, brutal, and the crowd loved it. I think it was the best match of the night. *** (out of ****)

SEAMUS vs. KOFI KINGSTON "Tables Match": Why wasn't Mistico...I mean Sin Cara on this show? This was typical and mediocre. *1/2

JIM ROSS & JERRY 'THE KING' LAWLER vs. MICHAEL COLE & JACK SWAGGER "Country Whipping Match": Cole is hilarious on the mic but this was another disastrous match for Cole and Lawler. It was sloppy, silly, lame, and boring. I did laugh when Cole came out wrapped up in bubble wrap, though. *

REY MYSTERIO VS. CODY RHODES "Falls Count Anywhere": They brawled around the arena and then finally went back to the ring where Mysterio won after delivering the 619. Semi-entertaining. **

MICHELLE McCOOL vs. LAYLA "Loser Leaves Town": Kind of a wild, hot mess. The best part? Kharma, aka Awesome Kong from TNA, came out post-match and destroyed McCool. Gail Kim is still in the WWE, right? Those Kong/Kim matches from TNA a few years back were epic. I want to see another one ASAP. *1/2

CHRISTIAN vs. ALBERTO Del RIO "Ladder Match": Good match, not great. Del Rio seemed awkward around the ladders, though he did leap off the top rope and onto a ladder at ringside which was sick (Christian moved off the ladder just in time). Edge came out in a jeep to distract Del Rio and Christian pushed him off the ladder and then climbed it to win. Will Del Rio ever be champ? Christian is aging but it was nice to see him finally win the WWE title. **1/2

BIG SHOW & KANE vs. WADE BARRETT & EZEKIEL JACKSON "Lumberjack Match": Awful, awful stuff. Wade Barrett is still around? -No Stars-

THE MIZ vs. JOHN CENA vs. JOHN MORRISON "Steel Cage Match": Cena won the title for the 10th time. Yawn. Morrison did won flip/spin backwards dive off the cage which was cool. R. Truth came out and beat up Morrison which led to Cena delivering his finisher on The Miz off the top rope to get the pin. The Miz took a superplex off the top of the cage and landed bad but he got up and finished. He's tough, dude. I thought there would be a little more high-flying theatrics with Morrison in this match. Would this have been better if R. Truth was in it? **

Monday, April 18, 2011


Sunday, April 17th, 2011 from Cincinnati, Ohio

RED vs. SUICIDE vs. ROBBIE E vs. MAX BUCK vs. JEREMY BUCK vs. AMAZING RED vs. JAY LETHAL vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: TNA might save some money by not having five-thousand wrestlers on their shows. This was an "Escape the Cage" match. Like most of the matches on this show the rules were ill-defined. You could pin people until there were two left and then one had to escape. I think. There were some wild, crazy, sloppy moves. It was entertaining. **1/2 (out of ****).

SHANNON MOORE & JESSE NEAL vs. SCOTT STEINER & CRIMSON vs. ORLANDO JORDAN & ERIC YOUNG vs. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS & MAGNUS: Steiner thinks he's God. Is he? He wouldn't let anyone get a shot in on him but his team still lost. Mostly boring. *1/2

MICKIE JAMES vs. MADISON RAYNE: This match was thirty-five seconds. And this was a "Hair vs. Belt" match. James won the belt. And I wanted to see a bald girl crying. *1/2

SOMOA JOE vs. POPE: Remember when Somoa Joe was in exciting matches? This was very methodical and boring. The crowd was there but seemingly asleep. *

MATT MORGAN vs. HERNANDEZ: Another boring match. 1/2*

JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE: A sloppy, wild, insane match. Jarrett slammed Angle onto the mat from the top of the cage and Angle landed on his head. Angle then did a moonsault off the top of the cage and missed Jarrett. Angle also got hit with a guitar and Jarrett bled. It was by far the match of the night. It was a mess but super entertaining. ***

STING vs. RVD vs. MR. ANDERSON: Sting won in a short, dull match. RVD didn't even deliver any patented moves. Eh. 1/2*

BEER MONEY & KAZARIAN & CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. RIC FLAIR & MATT HARDY & BULLY RAY & ABYSS "Lethal Lockdown": Daniels actually did what I've been begging somebody to do in the WWE's endless amount of terrible Hell in a Cell matches: he jumped off the top of the cage. The only other highlight was seeing Flair a ragged, bloody, embarrassing mess. AJ Styles did show up to beat up Bully Ray. The rest was stale. **1/2

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sunday, April 3rd, 2010 from Atlanta, Georgia

EDGE vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: Wow. A title match on first. Edge retained...which was a little surprising. Even more surprising: this was perhaps the best match on the show. It was certainly basic but it was never slow or stale and the crowd was alive this early. *** (out of ****)

MYSTERIO vs. CODY RHODES: Not bad, but it felt like a typical Smackdown match. Mysterio eventually took off Rhodes' mask, put it on and then head-butted Rhodes a few times. Rhodes won by hitting Mysterio with his knee brace. **

THE CORE vs. THE BIG SHOW, KOFI KINGSTON, SANTINO MARELLA & KANE: This was like three minutes long. So is The Core and The Nexus storylines finally over? *

RANDY ORTON vs. CM PUNK: Kind of anti-climatic and too slow. *1/2

vs. JERRY "THE KING" LAWLER: Cole, the "evil" announcer, has been the most entertaining thing in the WWE the last few months. Too bad he can't wrestle. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, the special ref, ended up pushing Cole to get Lawler DQ'd. Austin also drank beer, drove to the ring in an ATV and stunned Booker T., announcer Josh Matthews, and Cole. It was amusing but also boring. *1/2

THE UNDERTAKER vs. TRIPLE H: The finish sucked: HHH tapped out. They destroyed The Cole Mine and the Spanish announce table and kicked out of each others finishing moves a bunch of times. It felt like a retread of the first HBK-Taker match. Do something new, guys. **1/2

DOLPH ZIGGLER & LAYCOOL vs. JOHN MORRISON, TRISH STRATUS & SNOOKI: Very short. Morrison ran into the ring to celebrate before Snooki was even done pinning Michelle McCool. I guess he wanted out of there. 1/2*

THE MIZ vs. JOHN CENA: An awful snooze-fest. The Miz is not an entertaining wrestler and Cena looked sloppy and off. Cena slammed The Miz hard onto the concrete floor and the ref counted them out. The Rock came out and re-started the match, gave Cena a Rock Bottom and The Miz pinned Cena to win. Not the exciting finish we all wanted. *1/2

Monday, March 14, 2011


Sunday, March 13th, 2011 from Orlando, Florida

TOMMY DREAMER vs. BULLY RAY: This was a classic pseudo-ECW match. They wrestled all over the building. They used weapons like a blow-up sex doll. The finish had D-Von's sons come out and distract Bully Ray and then Dreamer and D-Von put Bully through a table. Probably as good as it ever could have been. *1/2 (out of ****)

ANGELINA LOVE & WINTER vs. SARITA & ROSITA: Remember when TNA had good women's matches? Those were the days. -No Stars-

MATT MORGAN vs. HERNANDEZ "First Blood Match": Hernandez should go back to AAA. And I've never seen a good First Blood match. Hernandez was cut but sprayed fake blood onto Morgan and Morgan lost. 1/2*

KAZARIAN vs. ROBBIE E vs. MAX BUCK vs. JEREMY BUCK "Ultimate X Match": This was a great match. Kazarian's moves look so dangerous. I'd never agree to wrestle him. The two Bucks, who make up Generation Me, were phenomenal. Tazz called their one maneuver, "Circue du Soleil." The finish had Kazarian walking across the top of the structure while Robbie E set up a ladder and started climbing up. Kazarian knocked Robbie E off the ladder and grabbed the belt. There were a ton of moves that you really had to see to believe, but it was wild and super entertaining. ***1/2

BEER MONEY vs. INK INC.: Shannon Moore still looks like he's 12...but wasn't he wrestling in WCW? This match was oh-so boring. Beer Money is an embarrassment. -No Stars-

A.J. STYLES vs. MATT HARDY: Hardy did a moonsault off of the top rope. Otherwise this match was epically slow. Why weren't Somoa Joe and Kurt Angle on this show? *

MR. ANDERSON vs. RVD: Dave Meltzer said it best when he said, "Does TNA want people to stop buying their ppv's?" This match ended in a double count out when Anderson DDT'd RVD on the ring apron and they both couldn't get back in. A terrible finish to an average match. **

STING vs. JEFF HARDY: Wow. A minute long main event. And it was still better than half of the other matches. Sting pinned Hardy 1:28 into the match. Hardy did take a very long time getting out from the back to make his entrance. I'm guessing he was hurt. If that's the case...why not change the main event? It's not like TNA promotes their ppv matches anyway. As Sting walked up the entrance way after the match the fans were yelling stuff at him and he said, "I agree. I agree." Even the wrestlers realize their company sucks. That's not good. 1/2*

Monday, February 21, 2011


Sunday, February 20th, 2011 from Oakland, California

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. KOFI KINGSTON: I missed this non-title match, but Del Rio won. Remember when this ppv used to have the first Elimination Chamber match go on first?

EDGE vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. THE BIG SHOW vs. DREW MCINTYRE vs. WADE BARRET vs. KANE: Epic and awesome. This was the best WWE match since the Smackdown TLC match in December. It was fast paced and was pretty brutal. Barret and Mysterio both got tossed through the plastic pod door causing a loud crash that the audience loved. Mysterio also got tossed head first into one of the pod walls. The ending had Mysterio and Edge left and both kicked out of a ton of finishing moves before Edge speared Mysterio in mid-air and won. Smackdown is a terrible show, but this was a masterpiece. **** (out of ****)

BOOKER T. & TRISH STRATUS: These two, along with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, are hosting the new Tough Enough show. They more or less talked to the audience and it was awful. What's up with all the filler on this show?

SATINO MARELLA & VLADIMIR KOSLOV vs. HEATH SLATER & JUSTIN GABRIEL: The Tag titles changed hands...but are there any other tag teams on RAW? Gabriel's finisher is great. When he stood on the top rope ready to deliver is double flip maneuver the crowd was oohing and aahing. That's about it. *1/2

VICKI GUERRERO & KELLY KELLY & LAYCOOL: Dolph Ziggler was fired on Smackdown. That was the reason The Big Show was in the first chamber match. Teddy Long re-hired Kelly Kelly, who beat down Vicki. Then Laycool came out and Trish Stratus and it was a sloppy mess.

THE MIZ vs. JERRY 'THE KING' LAWLER: Very dull. There wasn't one surprise on this show which was kind of sad. *1/2

JOHN CENA vs. RANDY ORTON vs. JOHN MORRISON vs. KING SEAMUS vs. CM PUNK vs. R. TRUTH: A little too slow compared to the terrific first chamber match. CM Punk got stuck getting out of his pod and was thus beat down and pinned so the RAW GM let him re-enter the match. Morrison climbed up the ceiling and dropped down onto Seamus. That was the highlight. Cena won after pinning CM Punk. The crowd was pretty dead for this match. It was good but nothing special. **1/2

Monday, February 14, 2011


Sunday, February 13th, 2011, from Orlando, Florida

KAZARIAN vs. ROBBIE E: I only caught the tail end of this match, but Kazarian won the X-Division title.

BEER MONEY & SCOTT STEINER vs. GUNNER & MURPHY & ROB TERRY: Steiner is still wrestling? That's a surprise. Kind of sad ppv with The Motor City Machine Guns and AJ Styles absent. This was average stuff really. **

SOMOA JOE vs. POPE: The Pope stalled early and kept leaving the ring. Ooooh...psychological mind games! The stalling probably is the reason I thought that this match was kind of short, because when they started wrestling it didn't seem to last long enough. Pope tapped out and Joe won. Nothing special, but Joe looked good. **

MADISON RAYNE vs. MICKIE JAMES: A wild brawl more than a match. **

MATT MORGAN/HERNANDEZ: So Hernandez hates Morgan because of the tension between Mexicans and Americans? Huh? Weird. Hernandez came out and beat up Morgan to set up a feud that makes absolutely no sense.

RVD vs. MATT HARDY: It was entertaining, but both guys are shells of their former selves and it's kind of sad. **

BULLY RAY vs. DEVON: So Devon's two sons came out and obviously got beat up by Bubba Ray Dudley...or Bully Ray...or whatever he's called now. Bully handcuffed Devon to the ring post and then put one of his kids through a table. It was a super slow, super mediocre match. 1/2*

JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE: Good but not great, although Angle was incredible, fast, and almost at his best. These two had a spectacular match a few years ago in TNA and this one wasn't as good but still the best of the night. The hilarious stipulation is that if Angle lost he would have to walk Karen down the aisle to renew JJ and Karen's wedding vows. Who writes this shit? Oh, wait...I think Vince Russo still does. **1/2

JEFF HARDY vs. MR. ANDERSON “Ladder Match”: Remember the epic ladder matches Jeff Hardy was in in the WWE? Well forget those because they're gone. This was slow and really sloppy. Jeff did a lot of suicidal stuff but even the ending was botched when he fell from the top without the belt and then had to go scramble back up and get it. Anderson did take a ton of punishment, and even delivered his Fireman's Carry finisher onto a ladder which was awesome. Why did Jeff lose last month only to win here? A one month title reign for Anderson? Kind of lame. **1/2

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WWE Royal Rumble

Sunday, January 30th, 2011, from Boston

EDGE vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER: I loved that both title matches went on first. Usually at a ppv you have to slog through an hour and a half waiting to see the main event matches. The problem was that there were no title changes and both matches ended in controversy. In this match, Edge's Spear was deemed illegal by Vickie of course he used it to win when the ref wasn't looking. Not great, but the best match of the night. **1/2

THE MIZ vs. RANDY ORTON: CM Punk and Nexus helped The Miz win for no other reason than to set up Orton vs. Punk at Wrestlemania. As much as I like The Miz as champ, he's never been in a great match. The Nexus showing up helped alleviate this match from a total bore. **

EVE vs. NATALYA vs. LAYLA vs. MICHELLE McCOOL: A Fatal Four Way Women's Title match. What's worse? Probably nothing. 1/2*

THE ROYAL RUMBLE (ALBERTO DEL RIO): I picked John Morrison, but when he was knocked off the ring early and clung to the barrier like a cat I knew he wasn't winning. He eventually climbed up and lept onto the stairs and back into the ring, but if he was supposed to win than he never would have been given the chance to do something like that. With forty wrestlers, this was the biggest Rumble ever. It was also very boring. The Nexus took control early until The Great Khali showed up. Diesel and Booker T. were surprise entrants that got thrown out super fast even though the crowd loved them. The Miz, doing commentary, ran into the ring and threw John Cena out. Santino got KO'd and fell to the floor under the ropes and didn't return until Alberto Del Rio was the only one left. Would Santino actually win this thing? Flashbacks of David Arquette as the WCW Champ swirled in my head...but Del Rio tossed Santino out and Alberto Del Rio won. Not the best show but a good choice to have Del Rio win. **

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Sunday, January 9th, 2010, from Orlando, Florida

JAY LETHAL vs. FRANKIE KAZARIAN: The X-Division title changed hands yet again. I kind of thought the Jersey Shore dude had the title. Kazarian is a member of the N.W.O....I mean “Immortal,” the group led by Bischoff and Flair and pretty much everyone in TNA. This was, more or less, a basic match. It was typical, really, and not all that exciting. *1/2 (out of ****)

MADISON RAYNE vs. MICKIE JAMES: For some strange reason the crowd was really into this match. You know...they could have just went to a strip club that features Jell-O wrestling. I heard that Awesome Kong signed with the WWE. Really? I hope she knows they fucking destroy all women wrestlers that sign with them. Look at Gail Kim. Or, actually, don't. I'm not even sure if she's still with them. This was better than most WWE women's matches...but I paid little attention to it. I remember them jumping on each other and fake punching. *

THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS vs. BEER MONEY: A total let down. Why is this surprising? The Machine Guns are the best, most exciting tag team in wrestling. Beer Money is the exact opposite. It had less spots and was more a traditional match. Eh. **

BROTHER RAY vs. D-VON: I hope we don't see a rematch. 1/2*

DOUGLAS WILLIAMS vs. ABYSS: AJ Styles was supposed to wrestle Williams. Think of the worst wrestler that they could replace him with. Yes, Abyss. And Abyss won the title here, whatever TNA calls their “B” belt. *

RVD vs. MATT HARDY: So RVD told Bischoff that he wants to wrestle Hardy. Well, tough luck, because you didn't say “Jeff.” Matt looked fat and was boring. RVD is still exciting but a little slow in his old age. This was mostly pointless except to introduce a fat, old, used-to-be star. *1/2

JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE: This was MMA rules. The first round had Angle sitting in the middle of the ring and JJ afraid to go near him. The second round had some mat wrestling. The third had JJ getting an illegal solution in Angle's eyes and the match ended with Angle a bloody mess. These two had some spectacular matches in the past. This was awful. Fake MMA is not fun to watch. 1/2*

MATT MORGAN vs. MR. ANDERSON: A real bore. *

MR. ANDERSON vs. JEFF HARDY: Wow. An unannounced match. What is this? WCW? Oh...wait. This was the best match of the night even though it wasn't even that good. Mick Foley showed up and took a chair away from Jeff Hardy. Bischoff got hit with a chair from Mr. Anderson. Jeff Hardy took Anderson's finisher and got right back up like he was fine. Weird. It culminated with Mr. Anderson winning eventually. A good finish to a really awful ppv. **1/2