Thursday, January 3, 2019

Best Show of 2018: NJPW BEST OF THE SUPER JR. 25 (DAY 13) 6/3

The best show of the year was the second to last night of New Japan's Super Jr.'s tournament. The reason is that the tournament has two blocks with different wrestlers so that every night of the tournament only features one block of wrestlers. The second to last night, though, featured both blocks and every wrestler. It was also up in the air who would be in the final, so it had drama to go along with a murderer's row of talent. There was not a top ten match of the year on the show, but the show was great because pretty much every match was good and a few were awesome. It featured wrestlers from Mexico and Japan and the UK and America, so every match had a unique, different style to it. This show featured an awesome match with Will Ospreay vs. Flip Gordon, a brutal, wild bout with Dragon Lee vs. El Desperado, and a great main event that had Kushida vs. Hiromu Takahashi. It also featured Sho vs. Marty Scurll, Yoh vs. Taiji Ishimori, Taguchi vs. Sabin, Bushi vs. Kanemaru, and a very entertaining opener with ACH vs. Tiger Mask. That was the entire show; eight fast, fun, wildly different cruiserweight matches in the awesome, crowds-on-top-of-you Korakuen Hall building. No lame, filler, multi-tag opening matches, no bullshit, just a night of high flying and a show where, literally, none of the matches were bad. This was perhaps the only show all year that I actually watched from beginning to end and didn't get bored or skip a match. And that's pretty much the definition of a great show.

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