Sunday, September 16, 2018


San Antonio, TX

THE NEW DAY vs. AIDEN ENGLISH & RUSEV (8:55): This was on the pre-show, although it all blurs together in these new, marathon shows. The standard start time now for the ppv's is 7 PM, which means they're 4 hours plus the pre-show. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of matches, though, tonight. And this was at least fast and fun and short. The New Day retained their tag titles. **1/2

RANDY ORTON vs. JEFF HARDY "HELL IN A CELL" (24:50): I guess Jeff Hardy has always dreamed of being in a HIAC match. I'm not sure why else this match happened. They used a ladder and chairs and a table. The memorable moment happened when Orton put a screwdriver through Hardy's earlobe and twisted it around. It didn't even look like it hurt. And it's not like he pierced the lobe or anything, it was already stretched out from Hardy wearing those stupid spacer earring things for years. Hardy climbed a ladder and dangled from the top of the cell by his hands and fell through a table. Orton moved off the table way too early. This was too long and kind of pointless. **

BECKY LYNCH vs. CHARLOTTE FLAIR (13:50): I'm not sure why Lynch just didn't win the title at Summerslam. She had to turn heel there, but the crowds cheer more for her now so that heel turn was fairly ridiculous. Lynch is gorgeous but, unfortunately, not the most entertaining in the ring. I thought if she was ever given the big stage that she would shine. She didn't. *1/2

DOLPH ZIGGLER & DREW MCINTYRE vs. SETH ROLLINS & DEAN AMBROSE (24:52): This was the longest match of the night and the best. The first half was a bore, but by the end the crowd was loud and the action was swift. This felt like a random RAW main event, though, even with the tag titles in the balance (Ziggler and Mcintyre retained). **1/2

AJ STYLES vs. SOMOA JOE (19:00): Not as good as you would have hoped. Maybe Joe is too old now. The finish was lame. Joe had his sleeper submission clutch on but AJ flipped over and pinned him while Joe thought he had won by submission. Groan. Will they just hurry the fuck up and give us a Bryan/AJ 40 minute main event? *1/2

THE MIZ & MARYSE vs. DANIEL BRYAN & BRIE BELLA (13:00): Maryse pinned Bella out of nowhere to sneak away with the win. This was just okay. I guess it's time to give up on Bryan, as his return has thus far disappointed. He signed another one year deal which means, sadly, he won't be in next year's G1. *1/2

RONDA ROUSEY vs. ALEXA BLISS (12:02): Ugh. Bliss had Rousey hurt and punished her for like ten minutes or something. It was the most unrealistic thing in this unrealistic business I've ever seen; Bliss, the four-foot sprout dominating the she-beast for an ungodly length of time. I guess they had to do it since Rousey won in a squash last time but, c'mon. Perhaps Rousey should just fight the men. 1/2*

ROMAN REIGNS vs. BRAUN STROWMAN "HELL IN A CELL" (24:10): Brock showed up. That was a shocker. He is going to the UFC, as you could tell by how small he is (no steroids!). But first he's getting a final payday in Saudi Arabia in November when Reigns/Braun/Lesnar occurs. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew Mcintyre all came out and went on top of the cell to fight for awhile. Ziggler and Rollins fell off the cell at the half-way point onto the announce tables. Mick Foley was the special ref and did a horrible pin counting job. The cell was red and hard to see through it. Oh, and the finish was a DQ and no finish. Um...that sucks. **

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