Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Best Show of 2017: NJPW WRESTLE KINGDOM 11

It's kind of unfair for any show that takes place during the rest of the year. New Japan's big show at the Tokyo Dome, Wrestle Kingdom, is always right after New Years, and, at least lately, it's been by far the best show of the year. WK11 was no exception. It was perhaps the best WK ever and one of the best wrestling shows ever (it certainly helped that the main event was a match that many said was the greatest pro-wrestling match they had ever seen). It had three 3-star matches and three 3.5 matches. The last four matches were the best string of matches in history...and they seemed to be just getting better and better until the epic 47 minute Omega/Okada main event. Takahashi/Kushida. Goto/Shibata. Naito/Tanahashi. Fuck. This was just breathtaking in its historical awesomeness. 

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