Sunday, May 22, 2016


Newark, NJ

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. BARON CORBIN "NO DQ": On the pre-show, The Dudley Boyz came out and mocked the crowd then got beat up by Big Cass. Then this short match. Corbin hit a low blow then pinned Ziggler. Alas, the pre-show probably shouldn't exist. *1/2

DOC GALLOWS & KARL ANDERSON vs. THE USO'S "TORNADO MATCH": For an extreme rules show, this was fairly normal. The Asylum match was really the only gimmick match. This match, with all four combatants in the ring at once, was at least fast paced. The crowd tonight was loud and awesome, a huge plus. **1/2

KALISTO vs. RUSEV: So Rusev won the U.S. title here. Do you care? *1/2

THE NEW DAY vs. THE VAUDEVILLAINS: A short match. It's almost as if The New Day doesn't even have to wrestle. They can just come out and talk and dance then leave. *1/2

THE MIZ vs. SAMI ZAYN vs. CESARO vs. KEVIN OWENS: Stellar match. The Miz retained the IC title. The final few minutes were a crazy frenzy of near-falls and big moves and the crowd was riotous. I also believe that, quite possibly, this was the best match The Miz was ever involved in. ***1/2

DEAN AMBROSE vs. CHRIS JERICHO "ASYLUM MATCH": Vince Russo is back writing this crap, right? How else to explain this match? A cage match with a locked door and weapons above it...but weapons crazy people might a mop and bucket, straight jacket, and a barbed wire wrapped 2x4. The only weapon not used was the potted plant. But the finale, involving Jericho being slammed onto a bed of thumbtacks, was sick and amusing (the tacks were in a bag in the bucket...duh). At 26 minutes, this was way too long. Ambrose did leap off the top of the cage to deliver a clothesline. But it was too dull for a good majority of it. **

NATALYA vs. CHARLOTTE "SUBMISSION MATCH": Ugh. Has there ever been an entertaining submission match? Some new girl came out dressed as Ric Flair to distract Natalya and cause her to lose. Not good. 1/2*

AJ STYLES vs. ROMAN REIGNS "EXTREME RULES MATCH": Excellent match...albeit with the lame, crowd-booing ending of Reigns winning. AJ especially took a beating. He was put through two announce tables and got his head swung into the side of the ring that has the new, graphics screen. The Uso's and Gallows and Anderson came out to beat each other and everyone up. Seth Rollins ran out after the match to pedigree Reigns. It was nuts, wild, and super entertaining. ***1/2

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