Sunday, August 17, 2014


From Los Angeles

THE MIZ vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER: Decent opener. Ziggler wins the IC title. The Miz is just not a good wrestler, so that didn't help. But it was high energy with some good near falls. **1/2 (out of ****)

PAIGE vs. AJ: Better than last month. Paige is gorgeous so that helps. And better as a heel. It was okay. **

RUSEV vs. JACK SWAGGER "FLAG MATCH": Russia won! And they played the Russian national anthem. I kind of thought the flags were supposed to be on a pole? *1/2

DEAN AMBROSE vs. SETH ROLLINS "LUMBERJACK MATCH": The match of the night! Who knew? Lumberjack matches suck. But these two ended up escaping and going into the crowd. Ambrose also dove off the top rope down onto Rollins and the lumberjacks when they were carrying him towards the ring. And Ambrose ran across the announce table and lept over the guardrail to clothesline/tackle Rollins and a few lumberjacks. This was a wild mele. Fun stuff. Rollins hit Ambrose with the MITB and won. ***

CHRIS JERICHO vs. BRAY WYATT: These two just don't mesh. At all. 1/2*

STEPHANIE McMAHON vs. BRIE BELLA: So Brie's sister, Nicky, turned heel and Stephanie won. I guess that's okay. I am, like everyone, sick of this owner/heel story. Enough. It was mediocre. *1/2

RANDY ORTON vs. ROMAN REIGNS: Sadly, Reigns is not the "future." He just isn't that compelling. This was decent late but not all that good. *1/2

BROCK LESNAR vs. JOHN CENA: Tonight I realized why everyone loves NJPW. They never do what the WWE always does: a beat-down followed by a miraculous comeback. NJPW usually does back and forth action throughout. This match, however, was a beat-down. Period. Lesnar gave Cena 16 German suplexes. Cena had three very short comebacks but it was a one-sided destruction. Good storyline for the future; Lesnar, the unbeatable champ. But bad for entertainment purposes. This was a fucking bore. 1/2*

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