Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 from Boston

This is how great TNA is: I couldn't even remember the name of this show when starting to write this. Alas, this was a good show. The company only has 4 ppv's a year now...and the first two weren't good...so it's nice to see a good show from the Orlando boys.

KENNY KING vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. SUICIDE "ULTIMATE X MATCH": Sadly, I missed this match. From the highlights it looked mediocre. Sabin won and gets a title shot at Destination X which, confusedly, doesn't exist now (I guess they'll do it on Impact).

SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS & JEFF HARDY vs. GARETT BISCHOFF & WES BRISCO & MR. ANDERSON: I kind of wish there were more singles matches. A ton of great wrestlers like Aries and Hardy and Samoa Joe were stuck in these multiple dude matches. This match was good but nothing special. Hardy did a cool Senton Bomb on Brisco that looked like it hurt. **1/2

SAM SHAW vs. JOEY BRADLEY: Two fresh fishes, battling for a contract. I didn't bother to watch.

DEVON vs. ABYSS: Abyss is back! And more plodding than ever. 1/2*

CHAVO GUERRERO JR. & HERNANDEZ vs. AUSTIN ARIES & BOBBY ROODE vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS & KAZARIAN vs. JAMES STORM & GUNNER: Good action. Aries was on fire. Chavo is doing all these crazy moves he never did before...which is odd. Why the fuck didn't he do this in WCW or WWE? **1/2

TARYN TERRELL vs. GAIL KIM : The match of the night. Yep. But...all the WWE has to do is put their "divas" in a ladder match or something like this to get these type of results. It was brutal. Good. They really beat the shit out of each other. Taryn gave Kim a bulldog off the walkway entrance to the floor. The landing was off camera live but they did show the replay. **1/2

AJ STYLES vs. KURT ANGLE: It heated up towards the end. Both guys did some wicked back and forth action. The finish was fast and less than climatic but it was good. **1/2

STING vs. BULLY RAY "NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH": Good stuff...surprisingly. Bully Ray cut the ring ropes and exposed the hard, wood mat floor and gave Sting a pile driver on it. Aces & Eights came out. Sting beat them up. Mr. Anderson gave Bully a hammer and he used it to KO Sting. A wild, amusing main event. Now Sting can never wrestle for the TNA title again...ever. Not a bad thing. **1/2

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