Monday, January 28, 2013


Sunday, January 27th, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona

THE BIG SHOW vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO "LAST MAN STANDING MATCH": Wow. If you had told me that the best match on any show would be between these two and I would have laughed in your face. But it wasn't a very good show and this one at least had some hijinks by the entrance (Show tossed Del Rio off the set through a table) to make it entertaining. The ending however was atrocious. Del Rio taped Show's ankles to the ring ropes so he couldn't stand for the ten count. **1/2 (out of ****)

DAMIEN SANDOW & CODY RHODES vs. DANIEL BRYAN & KANE: Pretty boring. And, seriously, what are there? Three tag teams in this division? *

THE ROYAL RUMBLE (JOHN CENA): The surprise was Chris Jericho as entry no. 2. The highlight was The Godfather who was quickly eliminated after what seemed like a ten minute entrance. Sin Cara and Mysterio came back. Some young buck from Next eliminated Wade Barrett. The finale had Cena eliminating Ryback to win. Not the best Rumble. **

THE ROCK vs. CM PUNK: Poor. The Rock is a star, sure, but over acts and just isn't wrestling enough these days to be at his peak. The big spot, a Rock Bottom through the announce table, was botched when the table collapsed before the move. The swerve, the lights went out, The Rock was put through the other announce table by The Shield, CM Punk won, was awful. Vince let Rock re-start the match (also The Rock more or less gave himself this title match...?) and Rock quickly won. Really? I guess this was to shock those (everyone) that thought Punk would never win. But to have Rock win this way the big celebration finish was marred. Bad choice, dull match, mediocre show. *1/2

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