Monday, November 19, 2012


Sunday, November 18th, 2012, from Indianapolis

BRODUS CLAY & TYSON KIDD & JUSTIN GABRIEL & REY MYSTERIO & SIN CARA vs. TENSAI & TITUS O'NEIL & DARREN YOUNG & PRIMO & EPICO: This stale, dull show opened with an un-announced traditional elimination match. It was entertaining, but with no build up, who cares? ** (out of ****)

EVE TORRES vs. KAITLYN: I read the paper. *

ANTONIO CESARO vs. R-TRUTH: More paper. The WWE roster isn't bad, just boring. 1/2*

AJ/VICKY SEGMENT: Tamima is Vicky's new "enforcer." AJ is actually the most entertaining "diva" in the WWE in a long time. Why? She doesn't wrestle.

BIG SHOW vs. SHEAMUS: Boring until the end when there were some near-falls and a ref bump. Sheamus sucks. On RAW they even gave him the "What?" treatment. *1/2

TEAM FOLEY (RANDY ORTON & KOFI KINGSTON & THE MIZ & DANIEL BRYAN & KANE vs. TEAM ZIGGLER (DOLPH ZIGGLER & ALBERTO DEL RIO & DAMIEN SANDOW & DAVID OTUNGA & WADE BARRETT): So the day after Hell in a Cell they set up a Team Foley vs. Team CM Punk match for this show but a week later changed it and now we had this pointless dreck. The WWE needs new writers and fast. *1/2

RYBACK vs. CM PUNK vs. JOHN CENA: The plan for the past few months has been for The Rock to fight CM Punk at the Royal Rumble for the title. This plan would not make sense if CM Punk wasn't the champ. So the WWE does the worst thing ever and introduces an undefeated, new, fan-friendly star into the title hunt. Why? I'm not entirely sure. I guess to sell ppv's, although Cena vs. Punk would have done the job better. They probably didn't want Cena to lose again to Punk at Hell in a Cell...but he lost here, anyway, and Ryback was undefeated but has now lost in the main event at two straight ppv's. Logic? So now it's a matter of: how can WWE keep the title on CM Punk in the strangest ways possible? God forbid he win a match clean. Last month the ref was evil and during this match three NXT stars beat up Ryback and put him through the -guess- Spanish announce table (earlier, Punk & Cena teamed up to put Ryback through the regular announce table). This match had two table breaks but a poor ending (we already saw a NXT invasion). A very weak show. **

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