Monday, September 17, 2012


Sunday, September 16th, 2012 from Boston

SIN CARA vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. THE MIZ vs. CODY RHODES: This, surprisingly, was a pretty good show. I think one reason is that there was mostly wrestling without a lot of bullshit, although the ending of the night was pretty lame. I also was half asleep so maybe that's why I enjoyed it (wide awake and paying close attention to anything WWE related means you spot the badness). Apparently, The Miz and Sin Cara had a match on Smackdown that was so bad it had to be heavily edited...but this match was good. I like four ways because there's usually never a dull moment. **1/2 (out of ****)

KANE & DANIEL BRYAN vs. KOFI KINGSTON & R. TRUTH: I like that Kane and D-Bryan are in anger management class and sort of like Laurel & Hardy or some sort of comedy duo these days. It's funny...and when was the last time Kane was a part of anything entertaining? Well this duo won the tag titles. **

ANTONIO CESARO vs. ZACK RYDER: Yeah...Cesaro is from Switzerland and a former rugby player. He's TNA material. He did have a cool uppercut move, though. *1/2

RANDY ORTON vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER: Ziggler is more entertaining than Orton and even the crowd agreed by cheering him and booing Orton. An okay match...but for no title on a show about titles. **

LAYLA vs. EVE TORRES: Well the women have a storyline. Eve beat up the girl that was going to be in this match so Eve got the spot and...oh, did I mention that it's a bad storyline? 1/2*

SHEAMUS vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: Another dull match with these two. *

CM PUNK vs. JOHN CENA: A good, almost great main event. I guess the WWE learned how to produce a classic by re-watching the last few Undertaker Wrestlemania matches; make the guys kick out of every finisher. And Cena also kicked out of a Rock Bottom and the finale had Cena running up to Punk on the top rope to suplex him off like Kurt Angle does. Cena pinned Punk and won...but the ref said that both of their shoulders were down so it was a draw. A long (27 minutes) match with a lame finish. The crowd did chant, "This is awesome!" so I'm assuming they got their money's worth. ***

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