Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Sunday, June 17th, 2012 from East Rutherford, NJ

SHEAMUS vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER: Good opener. Randy Orton was suspended for using steroids and then Alberto Del Rio got a concussion so this left Dolph Ziggler to take the spot against Sheamus. Perhaps the best match of the show (and if you couldn't tell by that, the show was awful). **1/2 (out of ****)

SANTINO MARELLA vs. RICARDO RODRIGUEZ "TUXEDO MATCH": Yeah...a match where you have to rip off the other person's tuxedo. A leftover from the Russo era? 1/2*

CHRISTIAN vs. CODY RHODES: Kind of stale, although name a good match Cody has ever been in. Yeah. *1/2

PRIMO & EPICO vs. TYSON KIDD & JUSTIN GABRIEL vs. TITUS O'NEAL & DARREN YOUNG (THE PRIME TIME PLAYERS) VS. USOS: Who are these people? There was one good spot where one dude jumped off the top rope down onto seven people. But look at this card...most of it is worse than a RAW card. *1/2

LAYLA vs. BETH PHOENIX: Ugh. Women wrestling. 1/2*

HUNICO vs. SIN CARA: Really? On a ppv? 1/2*

C.M. PUNK vs. DANIEL BRYAN vs. KANE: Good, not great. Thank Kane. **1/2

RYBACK vs. ROB GRYMES & DAN DELANY: Goldberg! 1/2*

JOHN CENA vs. BIG SHOW "CAGE MATCH": So The Big Show beats the shit out of Cena. Then Brodus Clay shows up with a steel chair and won't let Show out. Then Kofi climbs the cage to prevent Show from escaping and then Ryder does the same. All of this interference helps Cena give Show the Attitude Adjustment and climb out to win. Thus Vince McMahon fires John Laurinaitis and then Cena tosses him threw the Spanish announce table. A good clusterfuck of an ending. **1/2


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