Monday, October 24, 2011


Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 from San Antonio, TX

AIR BOOM vs. JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER: Wall to wall action but nothing extraordinary. And I'm pretty bored with all four of these guys. ** (out of ****)

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. ZACK RYDER: Yep, Ziggler wrestled in two straight matches. Does this mean he's getting the title soon? *

EVE vs. BETH PHOENIX: Not good. 1/2*

SHEAMUS vs. CHRISTIAN: Very boring. *

HHH & CM PUNK vs. AWESOME TRUTH: Wow. For a match that everyone thought was the "real" main event, this was a dud. HHH looked fat. Kevin Nash beat up HHH to cause The Miz and R. Truth to win. Nothing special at all. *1/2

vs. CODY RHODES: Dull. Rhodes just doesn't have it. *

MARK HENRY vs. THE BIG SHOW: This had a good ending at least. Henry suplexed Big Show off the top rope and the ring collapsed. It was a no contest. **1/2

vs. JOHN CENA "Last Man Standing Match": They fought in the broken ring. That was at least something different. They brawled backstage. Del Rio's announcer tried to beat up Cena a few times. Del Rio was thrown through a table and through the announce table. R. Truth and The Miz beat up Cena to help Del Rio win. About as good as it could've been. **1/2

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