Monday, October 24, 2011


Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 from San Antonio, TX

AIR BOOM vs. JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER: Wall to wall action but nothing extraordinary. And I'm pretty bored with all four of these guys. ** (out of ****)

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. ZACK RYDER: Yep, Ziggler wrestled in two straight matches. Does this mean he's getting the title soon? *

EVE vs. BETH PHOENIX: Not good. 1/2*

SHEAMUS vs. CHRISTIAN: Very boring. *

HHH & CM PUNK vs. AWESOME TRUTH: Wow. For a match that everyone thought was the "real" main event, this was a dud. HHH looked fat. Kevin Nash beat up HHH to cause The Miz and R. Truth to win. Nothing special at all. *1/2

vs. CODY RHODES: Dull. Rhodes just doesn't have it. *

MARK HENRY vs. THE BIG SHOW: This had a good ending at least. Henry suplexed Big Show off the top rope and the ring collapsed. It was a no contest. **1/2

vs. JOHN CENA "Last Man Standing Match": They fought in the broken ring. That was at least something different. They brawled backstage. Del Rio's announcer tried to beat up Cena a few times. Del Rio was thrown through a table and through the announce table. R. Truth and The Miz beat up Cena to help Del Rio win. About as good as it could've been. **1/2

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sunday, October 16th, 2011 from North Philly

vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: The crowd for this show, which was at Temple's Liacouras Center, was loud and into it in the beginning and during the Hogan/Sting match. That was a plus. The longer the show went on the worse it got and the quieter the crowd got. Simple opener. ** (out of ****)

RVD vs. JERRY LYNN "Full Metal Mayhem": Good match. A little short with not as many ladder spots as one might want but it was brutal and entertaining. Lynn suplexed RVD onto a ringside ladder and RVD hit the edge of it and then hit the ground. That was sick. A Van Terminator ended it. **1/2

SOMOA JOE vs. CRIMSON vs. MATT MORGAN: Somoa Joe was firing on all cylinders but the other two were dull and Morgan looked hurt. Morgan stood by as Crimson pinned Joe and Morgan didn't bother to stop it. Oh well. *1/2

BULLY RAY vs. MR. ANDERSON "Falls Count Anywhere": Good match. Bully Ray is great on the mic. The threw each other through tables and a steel ring barrier. Anderson did his Swanton Bomb from the top rope onto Bully and a table but it didn't break. He just got up and then put Bully through it and won. **1/2


CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. AJ STYLES "I Quit Match": Awful, actually. These two don't click. The finish had AJ approaching Daniels with a screwdriver and Daniels quit. What? Was AJ going to stab him? Soooo lame. *

HULK HOGAN vs. STING: Not a good match but the crowd loved it and, seriously, this wasn't going to be a great wrestling match. Ric Flair came out and was the ringside heel. There was blood. Sting won then Hogan turned good. Eh. *1/2

vs. BOBBY ROODE: A bad main event and a terrible way to finish what is, apparently, TNA's biggest show of the year. Angle pinned Roode but Angle held the ropes for leverage. That was the end. What? These two just didn't get into the zone. Roode sucks and Angle was hurt. Not a great ending to what was a decent show. *1/2

Monday, October 3, 2011


Sunday, October 2nd, 2011, from New Orleans

SEAMUS vs. CHRISTIAN: Pretty basic stuff. Why not just have every match in the cell? It is there. ** (out of ****)

SIN CARA (MISTICO) vs. SIN CARA: The crowd chanted "boring." The blue music sucks. I like Sin Cara but this storyline is extremely pointless. Perhaps if it was well written...1/2*

KOFI KINGSTON & EVAN BOURNE vs. JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER: More basic stuff. You do realize this is a $44 ppv, right? **

MARK HENRY vs. RANDY ORTON "Hell in a Cell": A terrible match. The cell was rarely used. Henry won but then after the match he ran away from Orton who was hitting him with a chair. 1/2*

CODY RHODES vs. JOHN MORRISON: The show was short so they threw this un-announced match on it. Remember when Morrison was wrestling in the main event for the title in the Spring? Now he's losing in a match for the IC title. Not good. *1/2

BETH PHOENIX vs. KELLY KELLY: Not particularly noteworthy except they had Phoenix lose in her hometown last month only to have her win here. Yeah, you explain it. 1/2*

CM PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. JOHN CENA "Hell in a Cell": Mediocre match. Nobody climbed the cell. Chairs were used. Punk fell through a table. Del Rio locked Cena out of the cage then used a pipe to knock out Punk and win the title. After that, The Miz and R. Truth came in and beat everyone up and locked the cage door. The locker room came out and finally opened the door. Police officers arrested The Miz and R. Truth, who were fired two weeks ago. HHH beat up The Miz and R. Truth while they were being led away by police. Wild ending to a totally dull show. **1/2