Monday, May 16, 2011


Sunday, May 15th, 2011 from Orlando, FL

HERNANDEZ & ANARQUIA vs. SHANNON MOORE & JESSE NEAL: A lot of people said that TNA's "Victory Road" ppv in March was the worst ppv ever. I kind of thought this show was. Shannon Moore did some high-flying moves but this wasn't very entertaining. * (out of ****)

BRIAN KENDRICK vs. ROBBIE E.: Super dull. -No Stars-

MICKIE JAMES vs. MADISON RAYNE: Kind of a mess, although Tara knocking out Rayne looked real. *

KAZARIAN vs. MAX BUCK: The best, and only good, match on the show. Buck took a wicked bump onto the floor that looked like it cracked his skull. Kazarian is a beast. **1/2

ABYSS vs. CRIMSON: Unwatchable. -No Stars-

BEER MONEY vs. MATT HARDY & CHRIS HARRIS: Not good. Are we seeing a pattern? 1/2*

A.J. STYLES vs. TOMMY DREAMER: When a table was brought into the ring the fans chanted, "We want fire." You blood-thirsty pricks. I'm not sure why Dreamer is back, but he beat one of TNA's premiere stars for no apparent reason. **

KURT ANGLE & CHYNA vs. JEFF JARRETT & KAREN JARRETT: Chyna, where have you been? She botched every move and this wasn't half as good as any JJ/Angle match. If the Kurt Angle match on your show isn't good than you know something is wrong. *1/2

STING vs. RVD: Yes, RVD worked his ass off, but this was just boring stuff. We don't need these old guys wrestling in the main event. *1/2

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