Monday, May 23, 2011


Sunday, May 22nd, 2011 from Seattle

vs. REY MYSTERIO: Not bad, but R. Truth just is not an exciting wrestler. *1/2 (out of ****)

EZEKIEL JACKSON vs. WADE BARRETT: Why is Wade Barrett still around? And they're still doing the lame DQ finishes with him where his gang shows up and beats up the opponent? So been-there-done-that. *

SIN CARA vs. CHAVO GUERERO: Sin Cara is great and Chavo isn't. **

THE BIG SHOW & KANE vs. CM PUNK & MASON RYAN: So what do you do with the two worst, slowest, most boring wrestlers in the business? Put them together! So stupid. At least Kane made a joke about being upset that The Rapture didn't happen yesterday. *

BRIE BELLA vs. KELLY KELLY: The only entertaining female wrestler, Kharma, wasn't on the show. Smart. 1/2*

CHRISTIAN vs. RANDY ORTON: I hated that Orton won the title 5 days after Christian finally won it. That said, this was a great match with a ton of near-falls, a Christian spear, and an awesome, back-and-forth pace. ***

vs. MICHAEL COLE: Brett Hart came out post-match to put Cole in a Sharpshooter for no real reason. Cole is hilarious but c'mon: why is he wrestling? *1/2

JOHN CENA vs. THE MIZ "I Quit Match": Perhaps the worst main event in WWE PPV history. The Miz and Alex Riley beat Cena up for twenty minutes than played a tape-recording of Cena saying, "I Quit." The ref realized this and re-started the match and Cena, even though he was apparently dead from the beating, hulked up and beat up both guys and then put The Miz in the Crippler Crossface submission hold and The Miz quit. The Miz did a funny bit where he told a ringside Cena fan to stop the beating and tell Cena to quit. That was really the only mildly entertaining aspect of this oh-so dull match. Awful, awful stuff. 1/2*

Monday, May 16, 2011


Sunday, May 15th, 2011 from Orlando, FL

HERNANDEZ & ANARQUIA vs. SHANNON MOORE & JESSE NEAL: A lot of people said that TNA's "Victory Road" ppv in March was the worst ppv ever. I kind of thought this show was. Shannon Moore did some high-flying moves but this wasn't very entertaining. * (out of ****)

BRIAN KENDRICK vs. ROBBIE E.: Super dull. -No Stars-

MICKIE JAMES vs. MADISON RAYNE: Kind of a mess, although Tara knocking out Rayne looked real. *

KAZARIAN vs. MAX BUCK: The best, and only good, match on the show. Buck took a wicked bump onto the floor that looked like it cracked his skull. Kazarian is a beast. **1/2

ABYSS vs. CRIMSON: Unwatchable. -No Stars-

BEER MONEY vs. MATT HARDY & CHRIS HARRIS: Not good. Are we seeing a pattern? 1/2*

A.J. STYLES vs. TOMMY DREAMER: When a table was brought into the ring the fans chanted, "We want fire." You blood-thirsty pricks. I'm not sure why Dreamer is back, but he beat one of TNA's premiere stars for no apparent reason. **

KURT ANGLE & CHYNA vs. JEFF JARRETT & KAREN JARRETT: Chyna, where have you been? She botched every move and this wasn't half as good as any JJ/Angle match. If the Kurt Angle match on your show isn't good than you know something is wrong. *1/2

STING vs. RVD: Yes, RVD worked his ass off, but this was just boring stuff. We don't need these old guys wrestling in the main event. *1/2

Monday, May 2, 2011


Sunday, May 1st, 2011 from Tampa Bay, Florida

CM PUNK vs. RANDY ORTON "Last Man Standing": Great match. CM Punk is one of the WWE's best wrestlers. Why hasn't he had the title lately? They used a Singapore Cane on each other and Orton RKO'd Punk on top of the announce table. It was long, brutal, and the crowd loved it. I think it was the best match of the night. *** (out of ****)

SEAMUS vs. KOFI KINGSTON "Tables Match": Why wasn't Mistico...I mean Sin Cara on this show? This was typical and mediocre. *1/2

JIM ROSS & JERRY 'THE KING' LAWLER vs. MICHAEL COLE & JACK SWAGGER "Country Whipping Match": Cole is hilarious on the mic but this was another disastrous match for Cole and Lawler. It was sloppy, silly, lame, and boring. I did laugh when Cole came out wrapped up in bubble wrap, though. *

REY MYSTERIO VS. CODY RHODES "Falls Count Anywhere": They brawled around the arena and then finally went back to the ring where Mysterio won after delivering the 619. Semi-entertaining. **

MICHELLE McCOOL vs. LAYLA "Loser Leaves Town": Kind of a wild, hot mess. The best part? Kharma, aka Awesome Kong from TNA, came out post-match and destroyed McCool. Gail Kim is still in the WWE, right? Those Kong/Kim matches from TNA a few years back were epic. I want to see another one ASAP. *1/2

CHRISTIAN vs. ALBERTO Del RIO "Ladder Match": Good match, not great. Del Rio seemed awkward around the ladders, though he did leap off the top rope and onto a ladder at ringside which was sick (Christian moved off the ladder just in time). Edge came out in a jeep to distract Del Rio and Christian pushed him off the ladder and then climbed it to win. Will Del Rio ever be champ? Christian is aging but it was nice to see him finally win the WWE title. **1/2

BIG SHOW & KANE vs. WADE BARRETT & EZEKIEL JACKSON "Lumberjack Match": Awful, awful stuff. Wade Barrett is still around? -No Stars-

THE MIZ vs. JOHN CENA vs. JOHN MORRISON "Steel Cage Match": Cena won the title for the 10th time. Yawn. Morrison did won flip/spin backwards dive off the cage which was cool. R. Truth came out and beat up Morrison which led to Cena delivering his finisher on The Miz off the top rope to get the pin. The Miz took a superplex off the top of the cage and landed bad but he got up and finished. He's tough, dude. I thought there would be a little more high-flying theatrics with Morrison in this match. Would this have been better if R. Truth was in it? **