Sunday, June 25, 2023




THE MOGUL EMBASSY (BISHOP KAUN, BRIAN CAGE, SWERVE STRICKLAND & TOA LIONA) vs. BEST FRIENDS (CHUCK TAYLOR & TRENT BERETTA), ROCKY ROMERO & EL DESPERADO (12:23): At 5 hours long, this show was too long. It didn't bother me because it took me 3 days to watch it. It was a great show. The only glaring problem was the crowd was spent after the Omega/Ospreay match and thus the last two matches weren't as good as they probably would've been with a hot crowd. The pre-show, free on Youtube, had four matches, none particularly great, though this was a fun opener. The building was maybe half full for this match, which probably didn't help, as I recall last year's Forbidden Door pre-show matches in Chicago featured a gigantic amount of crowd noise. Remember they were popping for Goto and Yoshi-Hashi like they were Hulk Hogan and The Rock? So the Toronto crowd is not as loud as Chicago, and doesn't show up on time. **1/2 

ATHENA vs. BILLIE STARKZ (7:49): The announcers noted that Athena hasn't lost a match since last September's Grand Slam event. I was wondering why I haven't seen her in a while, and it's because she's the ROH women's champ and thus probably only on the ROH shows that nobody watches (they're only on the Honor Club service which costs $9.99 a month and doesn't even give you the ROH PPV's). This was forgettable. *

EL PHANTASMO vs. STU GRAYSON (7:14): Stu Grayson is now affiliated with that Manson cult ROH group led by Vincent. Huh? Maybe he just didn't want to wrestle a full schedule or something. Why the Super Smash Brothers are not still a tag team is baffling to me, as they were one of the best tag teams in wrestling. It also makes little sense to me why NJPW made El Phantasmo a babyface. He was a perfect heel! Decent match, though, for the short time they got. **1/2

LOS IGNOBERNABLES DE JAPON (BUSHI, HIROMU TAKAHASHI & SHINGO TAKAGI) vs. UNITED EMPIRE (TJP, KYLE FLETCHER & JEFF COBB) (7:30): Would it kill them to put Shingo Takagi, one of the best wrestlers in the world, a singles match on Forbidden Door? They didn't last year, either, although at least he got put in a prominent multi-man match with Sting. They also threw Hiromu into this pre-show match. They should have put Hiromu in a singles match with one of AEW's high flyers. Oh, well. This had some good action while it lasted. **1/2

MJF vs. HIROSHI TANAHASHI (15:46): I don't think anyone thought Tanahashi was going to win the AEW title here. That was also the problem with the Sanada match. Maybe they shouldn't even defend the big titles on Forbidden Door. Tanahashi actually wrestled the night before this against Swerve Strickland on Collision. That match was better. Considering Tanahashi is a hobbling, shell of his former self, why is even still wrestling? Maybe put him on a tag team or something to hide his glaring flaws. It's really sad to watch him wrestle these days. They even put him in the G1 again. Jesus. The guy can barely walk around. Even MJF made fun of how he walks. Match was just okay. **

CM PUNK vs. SATOSHI KOJIMA (13:40): This was CM Punk's first singles match since he won the title from Moxley at last year's All Out. He wrestled twice in multi-man matches on Collision. The most intriguing aspect of this match was the fact that he got booed and Kojima got cheered. I guess this stems from the fact that everyone outside of Chicago backs The Elite in the infamous locker room brawl. Punk looked good here but Kojima looked incredible. Kojima looked so much better than Tanahashi, which is surprising since Kojima is older and has wrestled longer. This was the first round of the Owen Hart Tournament, which Punk will presumably win. The winner gets...nothing! So what the fuck is the point? **1/2

ORANGE CASSIDY vs. DANIEL GARCIA vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA vs. ZACK SABRE, JR. (11:15): This was the 2nd best match on the show. This match was super entertaining and so much fun to watch. I loved this. Shibata and Zack Sabre were slapping each other and kept pushing Garcia out of the way but he kept trying to do his stupid, gyrating dance. It had comedy and was hard hitting and the crowd loved it. Fantastic match. Orange Cassidy retained his International Title. ***1/2

SANADA vs. 'JUNGLE BOY' JACK PERRY (10:49): I thought this match would be better because Jungle Boy is one of AEW's best wrestlers. Sanada on the other hand is mostly a bore. He also looked like he didn't want to be there and was going through the motions (granted, he looks like that in every match). The huge problem with this match was the fact that Jungle Boy was not going to win the IWGP title and everyone knew that. After the match, Jungle Boy turned heel by knocking down Hook, who had previously been his best friend and sometimes tag partner. They have been teasing a heel turn for Jungle Boy but I'm not so sure it's the right decision. I guess after the whole Christian feud, they didn't know what else to do with him. I guess we'll see if it turns into anything worthwhile. I could care less about a Hook vs. Jack Perry match, though. **

THE ELITE (THE YOUNG BUCKS & 'HANGMAN' ADAM PAGE), EDDIE KINGSTON & TOMOHIRO ISHII vs. BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB (JON MOXLEY, CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI & WHEELER YUTA), KONOSUKE TAKESHITA & SHOTA UMINO (21:29): This match was entertaining but the problem was that The Young Bucks didn't get tagged in until late, so we didn't get too much of a great, crazy Young Bucks match. Takeshita and Ishii were both in the match the longest, so this was more a hard striking match than a high flying one, although Page and the Bucks all did top rope spots and the Bucks did a zillion super kicks. Good match but I thought this could've been better. **1/2

TONI STORM vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE (10:27): This wasn't very good. Willow is the NJPW women's champ, so maybe they should've had her defend that title and win instead of lose here. Toni retained the AEW title. There wasn't much to this. Willow did a top rope moonsault that was impressive. *1/2

WILL OSPREAY vs. KENNY OMEGA (39:50): What can I say about this match? It's hard to even put into words how impressive these two wrestlers are. I didn't think they could top their match from January, and they didn't, but this was still one of the best matches you'll ever see and perhaps just as good as their Tokyo Dome match. I'd probably actually have to watch their January match again to see which one was better. The only negative I'll say was when Don Callis came back after being kicked out to hand Ospreay a screwdriver when the ref was distracted. The match was so great and we didn't want to see outside interference ruin it. Thankfully that wasn't how the match ended. The story of the first match was that Omega busted open Ospreay on a DDT from the top rope down onto the exposed turnbuckle. In this match, both men got busted open. Omega got busted open when Ospreay bashed his head onto the announce table multiple times. Ospreay got busted open when Omega slammed his head onto the ring steps multiple times then did a DDT on Ospreay atop the ring steps that were turned sideways. This match was so engrossing. By the end it was just pure brutality. I can't even fathom all of the punishment these two went through and still kept going. Ospreay was bleeding like a stuck pig all over the ring at one point. Ospreay gave Omega a Tiger Driver that put Omega right on his head. I can't believe he didn't break his neck on that. After the screwdriver spot, Omega put his foot on the ropes to avoid a 3 count. Ospreay did a One Winged Angel and Omega kicked out at 1. Eventually Ospreay won with the Hidden Blade and then the Stormbreaker. This was dramatic as anything you'll ever see, two wrestlers going all out for 40 minutes. I can see why they didn't put this on last, but in hindsight they obviously should have. Nothing could go on after this. This was pure spectacle and one of the best matches you will ever see in your entire life. Ospreay won the U.S. title. I was kind of hoping that Omega would win here and Ospreay would finally get his win at the big show at Wembley in August. After watching the horror show these two put each other through, though, I'm not sure I want to see them do this again. What more could they possible accomplish? This was just incredible and a high water mark few can ever hope to achieve. ****

DARBY ALLIN, STING & TETSUYA NAITO vs. MINORU SUZUKI & THE JERICHO APPRECIATION SOCIETY (CHRIS JERICHO & SAMMY GUEVARA) (15:09): So nothing could follow the Omega/Ospreay match. With a hot crowd, this match might've been excellent. The crowd was half into it. Even the showdown with Jericho and Sting (who, apparently, have never wrestled before) got barely a response. The big spot was Sammy doing a 630 splash from the top rope onto Sting on a table. That was fucking insane. Too bad the crowd was spent. Naito wrestled in a t-shirt, which usually means you don't consider this a big match. Match was entertaining but the dead crowd hurt it. **

BRYAN DANIELSON vs. KAZUCHIKA OKADA (27:47): This match also probably would have been a lot better with a hot crowd. After 4 and a half hours of wrestling (there was also Tom Lawler dark match before the pre-show...he was supposed to wrestle Adam Cole on the show but Cole was sick) plus following one of the greatest matches of all time, I can't really blame the crowd for being pretty quiet for this dream match. The one good thing about this year's Forbidden Door was that we actually got some dream matches. Last year, CM Punk, Danielson, and Omega were all injured and not on Forbidden Door. This year we got Okada/Danielson and Omega/Ospreay. So there's that. While this match was pretty good, it was also way too slow. Okada is not the great Okada of five years ago. He's too methodical now. I can't even remember the last great match he's been in. It also didn't help that Danielson fractured his arm at the 17 minute mark. In the press conference after the match, he mentioned possibly being out 6 to 8 weeks, which might hurt his chances of wrestling at the big Wembley show. If he didn't injure his arm would this match have been better? Who knows? The ending was also flat. Danielson kicked out after a Rainmaker. But then Danielson submitted Okada and Okada tapped out. That was kind of anti-climactic. I'd have rather seen him win with a flying knee or something more dramatic and exciting. Match was pretty good but the quiet, tired crowd and the injury kind of ruined it. Good show over all, though. AEW really pulls out all the stops on their PPV's. And you can definitely say you got your money's worth. Now bring on Wembley! **1/2

Sunday, June 4, 2023



Osaka, Japan

WILL OSPREAY vs. LANCE ARCHER (8:01): Thank God this show started with a real match and not the usual, lame series of multi-man matches that everyone can't wait to be over so they can get to the meat of the show. Unfortunately, this was not a great Will Ospreay match like we're used to. It was too short to be much of anything, and Lance Archer didn't do much of interest. Archer is signed to AEW but I think he's only been on an AEW show once all year. Even Tony Khan is baffled what to do with him. Ospreay won this U.S. title tournament and will face Kenny Omega at Forbidden Door. Considering Omega and Ospreay's first match this year was one of the greatest matches in history, they have a pretty high bar for the rematch. Ospreay's been injured for awhile but he's back and beat up. Maybe he should do what Omega did and take a year off and go get some surgery. **1/2

LOS IGNOBERNABLES DE JAPON (BUSHI, SHINGO TAKAGI, TITAN & TETSUYA NAITO) vs. JUST 5 GUYS (DOUKI, TAKA MICHINOKU, TAICHI & YOSHINOBU KANEMARU) (9:24): Do you think anyone in this company knows there's a hamburger chain in America called Five Guys? I always bash the fact that Bullet Club is still around because that was cool ten years ago but at least Bullet Club is a decent name. Just 5 Guys? It doesn't help that it's stacked with losers. This match at least had so many people in it a lot was happening so it wasn't boring. **1/2

CATCH 22 (FRANCESCO AKIRA & TJP) vs. INTERGALACTIC JET SETTERS (KUSHIDA & KEVIN KNIGHT) (10:38): Good match. Catch 22 won the Jr. tag titles. I didn't even know Kushida and some guy I never heard of had the Jr. tag titles. Wasn't Kushida out of action since last year because of foot and mouth disease? How did he have a title? Kushida looked good here, which kind of surprised me because he's aging fast. Kevin Knight was a bit green and sloppy. Akira and TJP are a lot of fun. ***

ZACK SABRE, JR. vs. JEFF COBB (8:46): Zack retained the TV title. This company has too many titles. This title has a 15 minute time limit because I guess there's commercials after 15 minutes on TV? Match was okay. **

BISHAMON (HIROOKI GOTO & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. HOUSE OF TORTURE (EVIL & YUJIRO TAKAHASHI) vs. UNITED EMPIRE (GREAT O'KHAN & AARON HENARE) (13:46): Good match. Aussie Open won the tag titles but then one of them got hurt so they forfeited them. Goto and Yoshi-Hashi won the tag titles here. House of Torture of course interfered throughout the match. Evil even knocked the announcer over again like he always does. There was a lot of action and a lot going on and it was a wild melee and the good guys won. Good stuff. ***

DAVID FINLAY vs. EL PHANTASMO (18:51): The one true dud on this show. Finlay retained the NEVER title. Finlay is the new leader of Bullet Club. Bullet Club is stocked with all of these new American wrestlers that I don't know. I feel bad for Finlay, because the leader of Bullet Club always gets beat up and kicked out of the company. Or maybe that's a good thing, since Prince Devitt and AJ Styles went to WWE and Omega and Jay White went to AEW after they all led Bullet Club. El Phantasmo was great as a heel so I have no idea why he's a babyface now. This was just dull. 1/2*

HIROMU TAKAHASHI vs MASTER WATO (19:50): Wato won the Super Jr. tournament by beating Titan in an awesome match last week. Wato lost here, though, so his push is moot. I do recall him being the Jr. title champ awhile back, though, right? Or was that not a thing? The last five minutes of this match were awesome. Before that it was hit-or-miss. Hiromu isn't as great as he once was, but they both delivered with some high drama and great near-falls at the end. The crowd was super into the final few minutes of this match. ***

KAZUCHIKA OKADA, HIROSHI TANAHASHI & TOMOHIRO ISHII vs. JON MOXLEY, CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI & SHOTA UMINO (20:38): This was a good match. Supposedly Claudio didn't make it to the building until 25 minutes before this match because of Visa issues. You wouldn't know it, though, as everything looked seamless. The big spot was when Ishii delivered a lunging head butt to Moxley that busted him open. That looked brutal and probably was a botch. This was very entertaining although Shota Umino didn't really look all that great to be honest. ***

SANADA vs. YOTA TSUJI (17:01): Dominion is the 2nd biggest show of the year for New Japan. I remember loving this show in the glory days. They had some awesome matches on this show. AJ vs. Okada for the title. Omega vs. Elgin in a ladder match. The Omega/Okada 60 minute draw. Omega winning the title from Okada in a 2 out of 3, 65 minute match. I was thinking of all these great matches when they announced that the main event for this show was going to be Sanada defending the title against a guy I never heard of. What? This is the main event of your 2nd biggest show of the year? Really? Yota Tsuji was a young lion and wrestled in RevPro and CMLL previously. I guess they wanted to make his main roster debut a big deal. Everyone raved about his performance here, so I guess it paid off. Tsuji is a big dude and does some high flying and big moves. He's still a bit green and figuring it out, though, but he will probably be a big star in the company moving forward. Sadly, this match wasn't very good. Sanada is boring. The crowd really wanted Tsuji to win but, c'mon, Sanada just won the title, he wasn't losing this early. There were some good matches on this show but this wasn't one of them and was too short to be a main event. **