Monday, March 6, 2017


from Milwaukee

RICH SWANN & AKIRA TOZAWA vs. BRIAN KENDRICK & NOAM DAR (9:25): A pre-show match. There was one moment when Swann flipped over the top rope to the floor and Tozawa jumped through the ropes to the floor simultaneously that was great. Unfortunately, that was it. *1/2 (out of ****)

SOMOA JOE vs. SAMI ZAYN (9:45): Maybe it's because Joe is past his prime (he hasn't been in a really good match in NXT or in the WWE) or maybe it's because this was a one-sided, beat down bore. But this was an awful match. Zayn is awesome when let loose (his match a year ago against Nakamura made my Top 10 Best Matches of the year list). But lately he's been a punching bag. On the first NXT WWE Network special, Cesaro and Zayn had a fantastic match. But look at what they're doing with Cesaro and Zayn now, a few years later. They're completely wasting two of the most talented wrestlers on the roster. It's just sad. Can you imagine how awesome a Joe vs. Zayn match would be today in PWG or ROH? Keep dreaming. -No Stars-

LUKE GALLOWS & KARL ANDERSON vs. ENZO AMORE & BIG CASS (8:40): Gallows and Anderson retained the tag titles in this duller than dull match. This show had a ton of matches under ten minutes yet still didn't end until 11:05 PM. Yawn. 1/2*

SASHA BANKS vs. NIA JAX (8:15): Banks won with a pseudo-small package. It looked like Banks was supposed to hold the ropes to cheat to win but she couldn't reach them. Everyone does say that Banks was better as a heel in NXT. This was forgettable. 1/2*

CESARO vs. JINDER MAHAL (8:20): An un-announced match. Yay! This was basic. The crowd was a silent tomb. 1/2*

THE BIG SHOW vs. RUSEV (8:45): Show punched Rusev in the face while Rusev was sitting down against the ropes in the corner which led to the pin. This was another un-announced match. Also, Rusev got a haircut and it was perhaps the most memorable thing here. *

NEVILLE vs. JACK GALLAGHER (12:10): Good match and by far the match of the night. After Honma in NJPW was injured on Friday taking a botched DDT, seeing all of these brutal landing-on-their-head moments was sickening. Maybe get a coach to show these guys how to be a little more safe? It was dramatic and entertaining, though. This was the best cruiser weight match the WWE's had all year. ***

ROMAN REIGNS vs. BRAUN STROWMAN (17:20): It wasn't awful, which I guess is a compliment. Strowman was pinned for the first time. Reigns was put through a ring side announce table. After Strowman missed a top-rope splash, Reigns speared him for the win. **

BAYLEY vs. CHARLOTTE (16:55): Botch City. These two were a mess tonight, particularly Bayley. This was the surprise of the night, as everyone figured Charlotte would win the continue her PPV win streak. Sasha Banks interfered but the ref didn't care. **

GOLDBERG vs. KEVIN OWENS (0:22): Owens stalled at ringside. When he finally entered, Jericho's music hit and Jericho came out. Owens was shocked. So Goldberg speared and Jack Hammered Owens and won the title. Yes, a 49 year old part timer who just came out of a ten year retirement is the WWE champion and headlining Wrestlemania. Groan. *