Monday, April 8, 2013


Sunday, April 7th, 2013 from Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ

SHEAMUS, RANDY ORTON & THE BIG SHOW vs. THE SHIELD: Sadly, this was a weak show. The post RAW was actually better. On RAW, Dolph Ziggler won the title and Ryback turned heel (plus the crowd more than made up for the dull Met Life Stadium crowd). I missed this first perhaps it was epic and awesome. I heard it wasn't.

MARK HENRY vs. RYBACK: Wow. Dull. I was wondering why Ryback got a big push only to lose seemingly every match since October...but on RAW they pushed him big time. Ryback did lift Henry onto his shoulders in this match. That was pretty cool. 1/2*

DANIEL BRYAN & KANE vs. BIG E. LANGSTON & DOLPH ZIGGLER: Too short. And by releasing Bryan with Kane's music to enter the stadium it robbed of us an epic crowd roar. Bryan is, really, the most over guy in WWE. Big E. Langston made his in-ring debut. He's mediocre. **

CHRIS JERICHO vs. FANDANGO: This was also Fandango's in-ring debut. He's mediocre. First off, he's amusing. I'm waiting for a crowd to start chanting "fag" at him and it getting awkward. Second, what's the point of giving a new guy a stupid name like Fandango when you know saddled with that stigma of stupidity he'll never be a main eventer. Isn't the point to bring new guys up and groom them to be a star? With a lame name and gimmick like a ballroom dancer he's already ruined. I can see that the WWE wants variety...but, hell, give him a better name than the frigging movie ticket website. He did win in an okay match. **

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. JACK SWAGGER: Not good. Both wrestlers are boring. Del Rio is a lousy good guy. Swagger's anti-immigrant schtick never really hit it off. Eh. *

CM PUNK vs. THE UNDERTAKER: This was a good match, the best of the night, although riddled with the cliches of every 'Taker/'Mania match. Punk did a top rope elbow onto 'Taker and the Spanish announce table but it didn't break and thus the big spot fell flat. Both of them kicked out of a ton of finishers but, c'mon, nobody thought Punk was winning. **1/2

HHH vs. BROCK LESNAR: Lesnar has only been in two matches since returning. Against Cena at last year's Extreme Rules and against HHH at last year's Summerslam. One was great and one of course they have a re-match of the bad match. This was a little too plodding and slow. HHH got beat up then miraculously had a few big counters here and there. Lesnar did toss HHH through the Spanish announce table and this time it broke. The finish involved a pedigree on the ring steps inside the ring...which was the same type of finish that the Cena/Lesnar match had. It was average. **

THE ROCK vs. JOHN CENA: Not good. Even the crowd chanted "boring" at one part. Cena won and was cheered even though he was booed after and before and during. This show just didn't have any great matches or moments. The set was pretty, though. *1/2