Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sunday, February 17th, 2012, from New Orleans

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. THE BIG SHOW: I missed the first twenty minutes of the show. Usually on this ppv they have one of the two Elimination Chamber matches on first. Thank God I didn't miss that. When I turned the show on, Del Rio had The Big Show in some submission hold and The Big Show tapped out. I really dislike Del Rio as a good guy. He's not particularly good at it and I wonder why anyone would cheer for him now or ever. He's a dud.

ANTONIO CESARO vs. THE MIZ: I, thankfully, didn't see this match. I think I was on Twitter or something. Either way, honestly, both of these guys are awfully boring.

CHRIS JERICHO vs. RANDY ORTON vs. MARK HENRY vs. DANIEL BRYAN vs. KANE vs. JACK SWAGGER "ELIMINATION CHAMBER": Well this ended up being the only EC match on the show. I figured Henry would win but Swagger, who's anti-immigrant now, won. This sets up the worst title match in the history of Wrestlemania: Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio. That's not even worthy of Wednesday's Main Event show on ION. Jericho and Bryan started the match which was awesome. Orton took a wicked bump through the plexi-glass pod. Nobody climbed a pod. Henry lost then came back and slammed everyone. Good not great. **1/2

JOHN CENA & SHEAMUS & RYBACK vs. THE SHIELD: I thought that this was supposed to be an EC match. It should have been. Sheamus was speared through the crowd wall at ringside and the final minute was a flurry of excitement but, eh, it was just okay. **

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. KOFI KINGSTON: An unannounced match. Yee Gods, why? *

KAITLYN vs. TAMINA SNUKA: Yawn. They really should put these women in an EC match. -No Stars-

THE ROCK vs. CM PUNK: This was better than their match at the Rumble yet the announce table didn't break this time (last month it broke before the People's Elbow). There were ref bumps and Punk had it won but no ref. I guess since we all knew who was going to win it came down to how. The Rock did all his moves and won. Good match, nothing special. Kind of a lackluster show. **1/2