Thursday, December 27, 2012


These four are four of the best wrestlers in the business. They feuded off and on all year and had a ton of good single and tag-team matches. For one reason or another this one just clicked more than the others. The final few minutes featured an epic flurry of near-falls and finishing-move kick outs. It was fast and intense and high drama in a promotion that is sorely lacking in it. This match was born out of a lame AJ's love-child storyline, but it didn't feature any gimmicks or weapons or run-ins. It was just plain great wrestling.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Sunday, December 16th, 2012 from Brooklyn, NY

CODY RHODES & DAMIEN SANDOW vs. REY MYSTERIO & SIN CARA "TABLES MATCH": Sandow is a very amusing heel. The one problem is that he is not an entertaining wrestler. Sin Cara is an entertaining wrestler but he hasn't been a singles wrestler in a year ever since his positive drug test and/or the crowd didn't really care about him. So you throw these B-wrestlers in tag teams and fill shows. The crowd tonight was epic. They chanted, "Cody's mustache!" very loudly during this match because Rhodes has a new mustache and I guess that's a funny chant? An okay match. Sin Cara got tossed through a ring side table. Nothing revelatory. ** (out of ****)

ANTONIO CESARO vs. R TRUTH: Cesaro is a good heel. He's a mediocre wrestler. R Truth is stale, old, weird. Not a good match. 1/2*

KOFI KINGSTON vs. WADE BARRETT: Kofi should be the champ. Or should he? Kind of sad that they push Boring Barrett. *

THE SHIELD vs. RYBACK & KANE & DANIEL BRYAN "TLC": Without Jeff Hardy, there hasn't been a ton of big spots in these TLC matches lately. One guy in The Shield was thrown off a ladder by the stage by Ryback through four tables. Ryback was put through the Spanish announce table. Bryan got power bombed through a table and was pinned. It was good, albeit not great. The one problem was that Punk got hurt so they put this match together instead and thus didn't have anything hanging above the ladder so there wasn't a lot of climbing ladder/falling off ladder/jumping off ladder excitement. ***

EVE vs. NAOMI: Who are these women? -No Stars-

THE BIG SHOW vs. SHEAMUS "CHAIRS MATCH": The Big Show hit Sheamus with a really big chair and won. I actually didn't even see this because the sound went off during this and I was attempting to get it back on my Ipad. Not that the announce team is so great, though, that I had to hear them.

ALBERTO DEL RIO & THE MIZ & THE BROOKLYN BRAWLER vs. 3MB: Yeah...The Miz and Del Rio are good guys now and it just doesn't work. Three Man Band is hilarious, though. *

JOHN CENA vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER "LADDER MATCH": Good match. This crowd was loud and awesome. AJ came out and turned on Cena by pushing him off the ladder. Pointless but God forbid a heel win clean. Ziggler wins...a briefcase he already won in July. ***

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Sunday, December 8th, 2012 from Orlando

Okay. First off: what's with this ppv's awful name? Second off: why'd I watch this? The card was awful. I used to really like TNA but ever since Hogan and Bischoff and that crew showed up it's seemingly gotten worse and worse. There are highlights (last month's ladder match) but they're fewer and far between. Oh, well.

JAMES STORM vs. KAZARIAN: An un-announced match and a bad one. *1/2

RVD vs. KENNY KING: Okay, one guy is past his prime and the other just isn't that exciting. God, the X-Division has gotten so fucking bad. Jesse Sorensen is lucky he got out. *

CHAVO & HERNANDEZ vs. JOEY RYAN & MATT MORGAN: Hernandez did his top rope, head first dive even though the last time he did it he landed on his head. I like Joey Ryan's character but this match was as average as Chavo. Why did the good Guerrero have to die? The match ended in a DQ when Morgan pulled the ref out of the ring. *1/2

BULLY RAY vs. AUSTIN ARIES: Not bad. Not good, either. It was eh. Bully as a face doesn't work. *1/2

TARA vs. MICKIE JAMES: Kind of dull. *

ANGLE & SOMOA JOE & WES BRISCO & GARETT BISCHOFF vs. ACES & EIGHTS: I watched this match and still don't know who Wes Brisco is. And Garett sucks. And Kurt Angle got injured. And Aces & Eights are lame. I was hoping this would be mayhem but it was sterile. *1/2

AJ STYLES vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS: Good match. Daniels, a heel, won clean. The WWE never does that. **1/2

JEFF HARDY vs. BOBBY ROODE: Mediocre. Hardy is old now, Roode has always been a boring wrestler. This was the main event nobody cared about. **