Sunday, February 19, 2012


From Milwaukee

C.M. PUNK VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. THE MIZ VS. R-TRUTH VS. KOFI KINGSTON VS. DOLPH ZIGGLER ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH: Good opener with a weird, anti-climatic finish. Jericho ended up being kicked in the head by Punk and falling out of the chamber (the door was open because Jericho threw the eliminated Kofi Kingston out). Jericho was knocked out and couldn't continue. So Punk ended up beating The Miz to win. I guess this sets up a Jericho/Punk 'Mania title match. **1/2 (out of ****)

BETH PHOENIX VS. TAMINA SNUKA: I didn't pay much attention to this. Honestly? Get rid of this awful Divas division for good. *

DANIEL BRYAN VS. GREAT KHALI VS. BIG SHOW VS. WADE BARRETT VS. CODY RHODES VS. SANTINO MARELLA ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH: It started slow with The Big Show and Barrett but it got very good in the middle and the ending, with Santino and Bryan left, was great, high drama. The crowd loves would it kill the WWE to give him a big win for once? There were some cool spots in this one, although The Great Khali, who lasted like thirty seconds, was awful. The Big Show ripped off the chains at the top of Bryan's pod and climbed down into it and beat him up before Bryan was technically even entered in the match. & The Big Show threw Bryan through the plastic pod door that broke open. For the second straight year the Smackdown Chamber match was better than the RAW one. Sheamus came out post-match and slammed Bryan. This sets up a 'Mania match nobody wants to see. ***

JACK SWAGGER VS. JUSTIN GABRIEL: Filler. & awful. John Laurenitis came out with Christian, Alberto Del Rio, and Mark Henry to wage a war against Teddy Long earlier in the show...which means there was a lot of filler crap in this show. I say just have two, one-hour Chamber matches and call it a night. 1/2*

JOHN CENA VS. KANE AMBULANCE MATCH: This should not have been the main event, as both Eve and Zack Ryder were missing (that, and any semblance of excitement). Cena won. Kane pretty much got destroyed and looked pathetic, although he did choke slam Cena through the Spanish announce table. Cena did his finisher off the top of the ambulance and Kane fell off somewhere, presumable onto a cushioned mat, but we couldn't see the landing. **

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Sunday, February 12th, 2012, from Orlando

ZEMA ION VS. JESSE SORENSEN: Zima Ion did a moonsault off the top rope and onto Sorensen outside on the floor. Ion's knee hit Sorensen's head and he had to go to the hospital. The match just ended. Apparently, Sorensen suffered a C1 vertebrae fracture with spinal cord edema. Scary shit. They say he's slowly regaining the feeling back in his arms and legs. Not sure if Sorensen was supposed to put his hands up or if it was just a freak accident. He's a good, new wrestler. Wish him all the best. Not a good way to start a show.

ROBBIE E VS. SHANNON MOORE: Yeah...Shannon Moore is a bore. & Robbie E is funny and a semi-good worker. This was pretty uneventful. *

GAIL KIM VS. TARA: Well Kim isn't as good as she used to be. Or maybe Awesome Kong was that damn good. This was pretty lame. *

MATT MORGAN & CRIMSON VS. SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS: These four have fought a bunch of times lately...even at last month's ppv. The only difference was that Joe and Magnus won. *1/2

AUSTIN ARIES VS. ALEX SHELLEY: The match of the night! This dead, Orlando Impact Zone crowd, actually shouted, "This is awesome!" So maybe you can't blame the crowd when it's the show that sucks. **1/2

A.J. STYLES VS. KAZARIAN: Too long. & just okay. *1/2

GUNNER VS. GARETT BISCHOFF: A disaster. Eric Bischoff's son is, more or less, David Flair. That about sums it up. 1/2*

BOBBY ROODE VS. JEFF HARDY VS. BULLY RAY VS. JAMES STORM: This just was not good at all. Bully Ray had Jeff pinned but the ref was injured. Then Sting inadvertently hit Jeff with the belt and had to watch and count the pin for Bobby Roode. First off, Storm is fat and dull. Hardy is a shell of his former self. Roode is fairly pedestrain. Bully Ray is a good talker but a boring wrestler without weapons. So this probably was as good as it could've been. *