Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Sunday, November 20th, 2011, from New York City

DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. JOHN MORRISON: This was a decent, by-the-numbers opener. Boy are they pushing Ziggler hard. What happened to Morrison? He was in the title hunt in the Spring. ** (out of ****)

vs. EVE TORRES: Pretty much a typical, lackluster women's match. *

TEAM ORTON (RANDY ORTON & SHEAMUS & SIN CARA & KOFI KINGSTON & MASON RYAN) VS. TEAM BARRETT (WADE BARRETT & JACK SWAGGER & DOLPH ZIGGLER & HUNICO & CODY RHODES): Wow! They're still doing the traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series matches? I'm not sure why, as this match had really no story or build-up. Sin Cara did a leap over the top rope and didn't clear it, hit his back on the edge of the apron and is out 6 to 9 months. Does this mean Hunico is back to being Sin Cara? Orton was left against 3 men and ended up losing. *1/2

MARK HENRY vs. THE BIG SHOW: The crowd chanted "boring" during this match...but they also chanted "Daniel Bryan" and "Colt Cabana" and "Randy Savage" and pretty much anything they could think of during the show. The Big Show tentatively climbed to the top rope and delivered a flying elbow drop but still lost. *1/2

CM PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: This was a super dull match. Punk may be a good talker but he's rarely in great matches. He did win the title. This means that Punk had the title in July, Cena in August, Punk in August, Del Rio in August, Cena in September, Del Rio in October, now Punk in November. Way to make it special. *

THE ROCK & JOHN CENA vs. THE MIZ & R. TRUTH: It felt like with The Rock wrestling on this show that the WWE didn't even bother to do anything else like a write a good storyline or have a heel turn or attempt to put on a great match. The Rock already would get people to buy the show so why bother to make it a good one? This match sucked hard. The Rock did the usual and Cena looked bored and it was just a yawner. 1/2*

Monday, November 14, 2011


Sunday, November 13th, 2011, from Orlando, Florida

ERIC YOUNG vs. ROBBIE E: Young is, more or less, Doink the Clown of TNA. Robbie E isn't exactly any more serious. Not a bad match. And actually, perhaps the most entertaining of this listless show. ** (out of ****)

INK INC. vs. MEXICAN AMERICA: This was a 3 on 3 mixed tag match. Each team had their girlfriends participate, though the tag titles were still at stake. Don't be confused! This is TNA. Toxxine, Ink Inc.'s girl, is very pretty. That's kind of all I remember. *1/2

JESSE SORENSEN vs. AUSTIN ARIES vs. KID KASH: Awful match. Aries did a leap through the ropes to the floor that was mildly interesting, but that was pretty much the only thing good in this bore. Both heels beat up Jesse, who has a football star gimmick (no, it doesn't make sense). Then Aries rolled up Kash for the pin. Remember when the X-Division produced good matches? 1/2*

RVD vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS: Rob Van Dam is just too old and too slow to be doing this anymore. Daniels brought a chair into the ring and it backfired. *

CRIMSON vs. MATT MORGAN: A double DQ! Who writes this shit? Even worse was the fake punch contest. Have they been watching Necro Butcher matches? 1/2*

SCOTT STEINER & BULLY RAY vs. MR. ANDERSON & BULLY RAY: Bully Ray and Anderson should really just stop wrestling and just use the mic. Steiner did a Hurricanrana. Abyss went through a table and got right back up. Falling asleep. *

GAIL KIM vs. VELVET SKY: Remember when Gail Kim and Awesome Kong had those epic, brutal matches in TNA? Yeah. Me, too. 1/2*

JEFF HARDY vs. JEFF JARRETT: So Hardy rolls up Jarrett and pins him in five seconds. Then they keep wrestling for another fall for no reason and Hardy wins. Then they keep wrestling and Hardy wins again. What the fuck kind of story is this? If you didn't realize that TNA was stupid before then...oh, okay, you did realize. *

BOBBY ROODE vs. AJ STYLES: So they push the hell out of Roode only to have him lose at Bound for Glory. Then they turn him heel. Whatever. I give up. This match was long and even though AJ was semi-exciting it was pretty dull stuff. *1/2