Monday, April 18, 2011


Sunday, April 17th, 2011 from Cincinnati, Ohio

RED vs. SUICIDE vs. ROBBIE E vs. MAX BUCK vs. JEREMY BUCK vs. AMAZING RED vs. JAY LETHAL vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. BRIAN KENDRICK: TNA might save some money by not having five-thousand wrestlers on their shows. This was an "Escape the Cage" match. Like most of the matches on this show the rules were ill-defined. You could pin people until there were two left and then one had to escape. I think. There were some wild, crazy, sloppy moves. It was entertaining. **1/2 (out of ****).

SHANNON MOORE & JESSE NEAL vs. SCOTT STEINER & CRIMSON vs. ORLANDO JORDAN & ERIC YOUNG vs. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS & MAGNUS: Steiner thinks he's God. Is he? He wouldn't let anyone get a shot in on him but his team still lost. Mostly boring. *1/2

MICKIE JAMES vs. MADISON RAYNE: This match was thirty-five seconds. And this was a "Hair vs. Belt" match. James won the belt. And I wanted to see a bald girl crying. *1/2

SOMOA JOE vs. POPE: Remember when Somoa Joe was in exciting matches? This was very methodical and boring. The crowd was there but seemingly asleep. *

MATT MORGAN vs. HERNANDEZ: Another boring match. 1/2*

JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE: A sloppy, wild, insane match. Jarrett slammed Angle onto the mat from the top of the cage and Angle landed on his head. Angle then did a moonsault off the top of the cage and missed Jarrett. Angle also got hit with a guitar and Jarrett bled. It was by far the match of the night. It was a mess but super entertaining. ***

STING vs. RVD vs. MR. ANDERSON: Sting won in a short, dull match. RVD didn't even deliver any patented moves. Eh. 1/2*

BEER MONEY & KAZARIAN & CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. RIC FLAIR & MATT HARDY & BULLY RAY & ABYSS "Lethal Lockdown": Daniels actually did what I've been begging somebody to do in the WWE's endless amount of terrible Hell in a Cell matches: he jumped off the top of the cage. The only other highlight was seeing Flair a ragged, bloody, embarrassing mess. AJ Styles did show up to beat up Bully Ray. The rest was stale. **1/2

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sunday, April 3rd, 2010 from Atlanta, Georgia

EDGE vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO: Wow. A title match on first. Edge retained...which was a little surprising. Even more surprising: this was perhaps the best match on the show. It was certainly basic but it was never slow or stale and the crowd was alive this early. *** (out of ****)

MYSTERIO vs. CODY RHODES: Not bad, but it felt like a typical Smackdown match. Mysterio eventually took off Rhodes' mask, put it on and then head-butted Rhodes a few times. Rhodes won by hitting Mysterio with his knee brace. **

THE CORE vs. THE BIG SHOW, KOFI KINGSTON, SANTINO MARELLA & KANE: This was like three minutes long. So is The Core and The Nexus storylines finally over? *

RANDY ORTON vs. CM PUNK: Kind of anti-climatic and too slow. *1/2

vs. JERRY "THE KING" LAWLER: Cole, the "evil" announcer, has been the most entertaining thing in the WWE the last few months. Too bad he can't wrestle. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, the special ref, ended up pushing Cole to get Lawler DQ'd. Austin also drank beer, drove to the ring in an ATV and stunned Booker T., announcer Josh Matthews, and Cole. It was amusing but also boring. *1/2

THE UNDERTAKER vs. TRIPLE H: The finish sucked: HHH tapped out. They destroyed The Cole Mine and the Spanish announce table and kicked out of each others finishing moves a bunch of times. It felt like a retread of the first HBK-Taker match. Do something new, guys. **1/2

DOLPH ZIGGLER & LAYCOOL vs. JOHN MORRISON, TRISH STRATUS & SNOOKI: Very short. Morrison ran into the ring to celebrate before Snooki was even done pinning Michelle McCool. I guess he wanted out of there. 1/2*

THE MIZ vs. JOHN CENA: An awful snooze-fest. The Miz is not an entertaining wrestler and Cena looked sloppy and off. Cena slammed The Miz hard onto the concrete floor and the ref counted them out. The Rock came out and re-started the match, gave Cena a Rock Bottom and The Miz pinned Cena to win. Not the exciting finish we all wanted. *1/2